Home Forums Help/Technical Questions POG Power Supply

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  • #79079

    Hello All,
    I lost my POG power supply.
    I don’t have a lot of electronic knowledge.
    I already have the Carl Martin Powerjack http://www.carlmartin.com/manual_powerjack.pdf
    I use it with a dasychain for 5 pedals.
    The POG use the BOSS type power supply (IN: AC12-V 60Hz / OUT: DV 9V 200mA).
    The Carl Martin has 1670mA. I tried it with the POG and it’s working fine… but here my question: Since it’s output is 1670mA and regular BOSS type is 200mA could it damage the unit?


    of course not, the unit only takes what is necessary, leaving the rest for other pedals ;)

    don’t worry

    (btw, CM powerjack is awesome for the money, isn’t it)


    Yes, very good… no noise at all!!!

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