Home Forums Help/Technical Questions POG/POG2 MICRO POG HELP PLEASE

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  • #79795

    Hey Guys

    I want to get some feedback on the POG Series
    whats peoples views on POG2 its supposed to be way better
    than the originals but I find it just does not sound
    as great as the orginal

    I just dont think it has the same balls at POG1 OR the micro
    is it different circuits
    POG2 Is less noisey and tracks lightly better but the dry input
    does not drive the pedal as much as the filter seems to weak

    has anyone else found this or could they suggest some good pointersa
    Im just after that Raconteurs Crooked Vultures vibe with the heavy octave
    hammond effect

    help please!


    POG2 is better than POG & Micro POG in some ways, but the original POG’s input slider enables you to drive it harder.
    There is another thread on this topic, and the recommendation if you want to get the same attack through your POG2 as the POG is to use an overdrive pedal before it.

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