Home Forums Help/Technical Questions POG 2 ? Please Help

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    I attached a pic of the settings i used on the POG….i noticed that the POG 2 doesnt have a Input level selector…and a sub octave level selector….will the POG 2 still make the same sound as my settings on the original POG??

    *file was too big but Input was a little more then half way up….and sub octave was the same*


    Well, there is a suboctave slider, I think it’s just labeled -1, so you don’t have to worry about that.

    You bring up a very interesting point though, because on the POG and HOG the input gain/level slider allowed you to drive your signal a bit before it hit the octaves. I’d assume that EH simply optimized it so you don’t need to put the input level up on lower output guitars, and most likely did away with overloading. So if your POG had some bite to it, you might want to put a little bit of OD before your POG2.

    BTW you can always use imageshack or photobucket or something like that for pictures, get the direct link to the image, and the put it in an img tag like this:

    [img]paste URL here[/img]

    yeah i have a photobucket but its down or something….i was pissed! ha…ohhhh ok i never noticed that is a -1 i got a!!! right on….yeah i wonder about that input…hmm



    there is a pic of my settings


    I’d be willing to think if the POG2 sounds any different, it will be just a tad cleaner sounding.


    nice!!!! thats not a bad thing b/c im only running the POG right now on one song and its a dirty part with the effect…so im stoked..and specially with the 8 settings i can start using it on different songs maybe thanks tons!


    It’s crazy how the new POG 2 makes the old design, which seemed fresh only a year ago, seem ancient looking now!


    haha thats the first thing i said to my friend..i was like “HOLY SHIT it looks way better and takes a power supply!” haha

    nice!!!! thats not a bad thing b/c im only running the POG right now on one song and its a dirty part with the effect…so im stoked..and specially with the 8 settings i can start using it on different songs maybe thanks tons!

    The solution to this would be to get a DOD-250 or similar and put it in front of the POG2.


    MXR Micro Amp or some other clean boost would do the job best.

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