Home Forums Ideas / Suggestions / Feedback Please stop the power adapter follies! I guarantee we’ll EHX buy nonstop

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    just ask the EH man….I’m sure he will agree…..as long as you match the polarity, voltage, and MA, everything will be fine, they just don’t want sum moron using there adapter for there Polychorus (24V) on there nano clone (9V) and thinking it would work because there both made by EH and can make similar sounds.

    its like when you get a new car, and they recommend only using one type and brand of oil, or ask you for them to do it for you. sum people dont know whats right, and still may do it wrong, so they want to make sure its done correctly

    and yes, i do use a 1Spot daisy chain (2 actually) on all my 9V effects, as long as it can supply enough MA, it should be fine. the only side effect Ive heard of, if this is still done right, is sum unwanted power hum, which i don’t get, so im all set.

    just ask the EH man….I’m sure he will agree…..as long as you match the polarity, voltage, and MA, everything will be fine, they just don’t want sum moron using there adapter for there Polychorus (24V) on there nano clone (9V) and thinking it would work because there both made by EH and can make similar sounds.

    its like when you get a new car, and they recommend only using one type and brand of oil, or ask you for them to do it for you. sum people dont know whats right, and still may do it wrong, so they want to make sure its done correctly

    and yes, i do use a 1Spot daisy chain (2 actually) on all my 9V effects, as long as it can supply enough MA, it should be fine. the only side effect Ive heard of, if this is still done right, is sum unwanted power hum, which i don’t get, so im all set.

    I’d go along with this totally.


    I don’t mind it. It’s an extra complication in using that pedal, but I’m not going to let those kind of issues stop me from using awesome pedals like the HOG and the Frequency Analyzer.

    Daisy Chains are highly impractical IMO. When you mix digital and analog effects, you’re almost destined to get noise. Plus you need separate power supplies for positive ground pedals like the Muff OD or most Tonebender type fuzz pedals.

    Dedicated power supplies with isolated outputs are the best.


    i use 2 seperate daisy chains, one for digi, one for analog. (need 2 anyway, i have to many pedals) and the chain system has adapters that reverse center and positive if needed.

    and your last comment….it may be best,mostly i agree, but not if i have so many pedals, that i need a complete separate board to hold all the wall wort’s and surge protectors, and then have each one running a power cable to the actual pedal board, thats to much to hook up, and transport, it kinda defeats the reason of having a board in the first place.


    Even a “stoned roadie” can set this up. I’m quite coherent, and can assemble this quickly.
    Find some really cheap surge protectors from the local thrift store, surplus store, Big Lots, wherever – and you have an affordable solution for your EHX power supply woes.




    i have seen those and they work great, but still….its just so much more you need to carry with you and try to stuff in your pedalboard case.

    i use something like that for my Tube Black Finger, Poly Chorus, and Holier Grail.
    but i think its personal preference and i still use daisy chains for my 9V pedals, it saves so much room.
    and like i sed, i have 2 of them, one dedicated to analog ones, and the other on my digi ones, so i get no noise problem whatsoever.


    I’m among the believers that there are some EHX pedals that won’t sound the same at 9v. I’d hate to compromise everything for the sake of convenience and portability. If we did, then we’d all be eating McDonalds and shopping at Wal-Mart for everything.


    i agree with you fender&ehxforever;. im just sayin, for all the ones i have that are 9V, i try to condense the power system just for those.

    i agree with you fender&ehxforever;. im just sayin, for all the ones i have that are 9V, i try to condense the power system just for those.

    And I agree with fender&ehxforever;too. Vacuum-packed and convenience are really not so exciting when it gets down to new sounds and crazy pedals such as EHX develops and offers musicians.


    On the other hand, with every market trend that brings in the new, there’s a market opportunity for the old (definitely in the case of music gear).

    If EHX start designing everything for 9v, then all of our outdated 12v, 18v, and 24v wall-wart units will eventually benefit from the “rare/discontinued/hard-to-find/they-don’t-make-em-like-they-used-to” status.


    Ok so he says power adapter follies, and you say here are all the ones that take Boss style. Sure ok that’s all well and good. Does the Small Clone run on a 9V battery? Yes I think it does. So does it run on a Boss style adapter? I don’t think so because it’s not in the list. That’s the real folly. It’s not that some pedal might need 58 volts or something for head room, it’s when a 9V pedal doesn’t use a Boss style 9V -ve centre 2.1mm jack.

    EDIT: Right from the instruction pdf it says this.

    “For optimum performance, use a 9V battery, although a 9V 100ma tippositive
    AC adapter with an 1/8″ plug can also be used (not included).”

    The defense rests your honor. Case closed. I find MR. EHX guilty of power adapter follies.

    SO that would be a no on me purchasing a Small Clone.


    this topic is getting beyond ridiculous…
    you can find protocols that match any power input in any sort of pedal nowadays! i have my russian muff (the one without the power input) link to a Cioks Big John with a little cable that has a “match” for the two thingies (how technical am I???) that you put the battery on.


    at the moment the music/electronic gear developers have a solution for all your problems!
    stop whining and enjoy the sound man… nobody really falls for that “use my adapter or you get killed” anyways so why make a big fuzz (pun intended!) about it???

    Ok so he says power adapter follies, and you say here are all the ones that take Boss style. Sure ok that’s all well and good. Does the Small Clone run on a 9V battery? Yes I think it does. So does it run on a Boss style adapter? I don’t think so because it’s not in the list. That’s the real folly. It’s not that some pedal might need 58 volts or something for head room, it’s when a 9V pedal doesn’t use a Boss style 9V -ve centre 2.1mm jack.

    EDIT: Right from the instruction pdf it says this.

    “For optimum performance, use a 9V battery, although a 9V 100ma tippositive
    AC adapter with an 1/8″ plug can also be used (not included).”

    The defense rests your honor. Case closed. I find MR. EHX guilty of power adapter follies.

    SO that would be a no on me purchasing a Small Clone.

    ah, but those mini jack 9v inputs used to be very common, EHX, MXR, DOD, proco Rat and a number of other pedals all used them in the past, it’s only fairly recently that the Boss type has become some sort of ‘standard’ … and when you buy a one-spot you get 2 of those adapters with it, so it’s no problem anyway. When EHX make a new version I’m 100% sure it will have the boss type connector.

    …actually, I think Rat’s still have those old style connectors.

    ah, but those mini jack 9v inputs used to be very common, EHX, MXR, DOD, proco Rat and a number of other pedals all used them in the past, it’s only fairly recently that the Boss type has become some sort of ‘standard’ … and when you buy a one-spot you get 2 of those adapters with it, so it’s no problem anyway. When EHX make a new version I’m 100% sure it will have the boss type connector.

    …actually, I think Rat’s still have those old style connectors.

    MXR really? I just got rid of a Dyna Comp literally 1 hour ago as it arrived the other day without a Boss style power jack. That pedal was made in 1996 and is the revision D version which is the first one of the reissued Dyna Comps since they first released them in 1976.

    The originals didn’t have a power jack did they? So when did they ever use a Boss style jack in the past? Was it on the last of the real MXR pedals? Those plastic ones from the 80’s. No, they didn’t use that jack either. Hmmm, that’s not sounding “very common” to me, but you may have a different interpretation of common :poke:

    I like the MP5 and MP8 daisy chains but I have never bought a one spot adapter because I think they are far too expensive. There are alternative adapters available without having to pay for them to say OneSpot on them. Plus if I did I wouldn’t use the superfluous connectors as I don’t have any 9V pedals without a standard Boss style 2.1mm -ve centre jack. 😆



    Solves ALL problems. And the PP2+ comes with one or two 3.5mm adapters itself.

    It would suck not to use some really great pedal just because it has different power requirements than a BOSS pedal.

    I have a couple of DOD pedals that use 3.5mm power, and I wouldn’t get rid of them just because of that.

    Technically I could replace the power jacks, it’s an easy mod, but I’ve never found it to be that big of a deal.

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