Home Forums Ideas / Suggestions / Feedback Please make this: the FROG

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  • #81163

    I would love a FReeze Octave Generator (FROG-Get it?). It would work essentially just like the Freeze but it would add an octave down and/or octave up when you engage it. I have a Behringer Bass synth pedal and it does something similar, just not well enough to depend on. This would become my most used pedal, so please, hurry up ;) .


    Like a Micro POG with Freeze? That’d be great actually. Just as long as it can be 100% wet 0% dry.


    Yeah you can basically play your own bass line. Since it’s my dream I’d love to also have the octave multiplexer or an analog octave in there too.

    -=- * -=-

    if there were a pedal like this – essentially a freeze pedal w/ a micro pog directly after it, but all in one enclosure – i’d buy it in a second (so long as it didn’t make the annoying high pitched sound that my freeze does).

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