Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics Pitchfork + Frequency Generator

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    So, maybe this is obvious but I kinda half stumbled on this by accident.

    You can plug your phone or laptop into the Expression input on a Pitchfork and use it to make some weird shit happen.

    I thought of it because of a tip i read somewhere a review or something. you can set your glissando rate to 0 by just plugging an empty 1/4 adapter into the EXP in.

    I could be wrong about this but I guess its because the input reads a volume of 0 as 0ms gliss.

    So basically, if you plug in a frequency generator (i just googled one online) and set it to 1Hz with a sine wave for example (i start it at max volume), the Pitchfork basically thinks you’re moving an expression pedal up and down once every second. i like nice round numbers like 0.5hz, 1hz and 2hz 4 , 8, 32, 64 etc… because theyre easy to translate into bpm. 1hz = 60 bpm. or is it 2hz = 60pm? One of those probably

    But anyways, you can set whatever frequency you want for some crazy ass results.

    The volume seems to control the amount of pitch bending, my max volume doesn’t seem to bend the pitch all the way. but it’s still trippy as hell. My best results are at +3octaves in the <4Hz range. Going up higher is worth a shot too though.

    Oh this is in latch mode by the way.

    Is this old news? If so, what other kinds of crazy stuff can i do?


    Hey, thanks for the idea.
    I don’t have a Frequency Analizer but a Moog MF102 so I tried it and here is the results: a kind of weird pitch-tremolo.


    Guitar to Ehx Bass Big Muff Pi
    Ehx Bass Big Muff dry out to Moog MF102
    Ehx Bass Big Muff wet out to Ehx Pitch Fork

    Moog MF-102 LFO out to Ehx Pitch Fork exp. input
    Ehx Pitch Fork to amp

    More Pitch Fork fun: this time consist on placing the Pitch Fork inside the Deluxe Memory Boy effects loop


    wow! Yeah i can get similar stuff to that by plugging in a frequency sound generator from my phone but no where near as good. the MF102 looks dope.

    Can you explain your signal path with the memory boy? do you just run the wet only signal to the pitchfork?

    I’ve got a tc flashback which is not as good but i think i could probably get it to work in the same way with some fiddling…

    Thanks for sharing that.

    Can you explain your signal path with the memory boy? do you just run the wet only signal to the pitchfork?

    Hi, I’m glad you liked it.
    In the video the Pitchfork is placed inside the DMB effects loop. So the PF is applied to the first echo, then this echo is pitchforked again and again and again…

    The Flashback is a great delay, I used the DMB for analog delays and the FB for digital, but you need a delay with a effects loop inside to do this trick.


    Cool stuff. We posted a video a while back showing a function generator from an iPhone plugged into the EHX Ring Thing.
    Very fun stuff.
    Thanks guys!


    The exp jack has 5 volts dc on it. BE CAREFUL plugging that into an iPhone headphone jack!

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