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  • #84691


    I am a huge fan of your products, and use them exclusively on my pedal board(s).

    I love the B9 and C9, as well as the HOG2 and POG2, and use all four of those devices to imitate organ sounds. Imagine an organ through Marshals… (actually, when I play these devices, I use a clean amp…)

    SOOOoooo, my idea is this. I am a huge fan of the mighty pipe organ such as in many cathedrals; the Wanamaker; the Princeton chapel, etc. To that end, I would love to see EH design, make and sell (and I would buy) a device that would be more like a pipe organ. As I imagine it would have two different ‘boxes’, one for the floor that would be used to select different presets, and another that would be on a stand, that would have actual “stop” pull knobs so that different ranks of pipes could be selected, as could different “mixes of pipes”, all just like on a pipe organ. A foot swell pedal would also be needed to control the volume, just like on real organs. The sounds of the various types of pipes (and there are hundreds), could be sampled at various famous organs around the world and programed into EPROMS. There could be various sets of EPROMS for various types of pipe organs, each could be sold separately. For example, there could be an EPROM for French style organs, one for German style organs, or maybe EPROMS for various individual organs around the world (say for the Princeton organ, which in my opinion is one of the best pipe organs anywhere). The EPROMS could even be packaged like old school video game carts for durability.

    It would be so cool to be able to play on my guitar the various ranks of the Wanamaker for instance, to be able to set various virtual “pipes”, and rock out. Maybe even a second input for a bass… now THAT would be cool!

    I know it would not be cheap to design such a beast. But boy, would it be cool!



    EHX exclusive user

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