Home Forums The Lounge Pickup Question…

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    I have a really great sounding neck pickup (humbucker) in a really- now useless -guitar… My buddy is building me a nice new SG Jr. (w/ one bridge pickup slot) and I was wondering if I could just transfer that neck PU into the bridge position on the new guitar and still have it sound as thick- yet get decent pinch harmonic sounds (when necessary)?

    I’m not a big treble fiend, but I occasionally play metal songs that benefit from a few pinch harmonics. I’m a rhythm player and prefer a thick/bluesy sound (which is exactly what I get from that particular neck pu)… I just want to know if there will be any negative effects to placing a neck pu in a bridge position…


    You won’t know until you try it … but in a single pickup guitar you won’t have to worry about balance between bridge/neck (the reason most pickups have neck/bridge versions) so you have nothing to lose by trying. I doubt it will sound as warm and thick as it did in the neck but that’s just a fact of life because the strings will always sound brighter the closer you move a pickup towards the bridge….

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