Home Forums Ideas / Suggestions / Feedback Pedals for Keys

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  • #82333

    Hi all! I play guitar and keys-How bout some pedals that would work well with keyboards? I know, effects are built in to most keys these days, but I feel often they just don’t cut it. Also real time control is very important to me when playing out. Example-My “L” rotary type pedal may have been meant for guitar, but sounds great with my boards! And its a stand alone unit, very useful sounds, and I can click a switch instead of looking through menus. EHX, anything in the works? Thanks!


    Basically all of them work to various degrees – Basically start by reading up on/understanding synthesizer modules and waveform shaping and you’ll have a good sense of where to start. Gain/Boost/Distortion type pedals will be less useful than Delay & Modulation, and filters will provide lots more sense of movement. As far as loopers go, an arpeggiator or sequencer will be more useful to you than a dedicated looper, unless you’re either trying to get Fluxus/minimalist type soundscapes.

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