Home Forums The Lounge Pedalboard Patch Bay

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    So I’ve got an old TT patch bay that I’m planning on installing in my new pedalboard. My idea is to route the patch in such a way that when no TT cables are patched, my pedalboard is “normalled” as I see it in front of me.

    However, I can patch diff effect combinations, insert send/return, etc, then pull the patch to go back to “normal”. Certain fx “presets” could then be color coded (cables/patch points) for easy patching on the fly.

    I realize there are pros and cons to this setup.. And it might seem like a lot of work.. But I’m wondering if anyone has tried this before.


    The Ghost Machina


    I’ve certainly thought about it. It’s certainly a pretty awesome idea.

    Fender&EHXForever;made a signal routing box called the Labyrinth so he could put a group of pedals in any order imaginable.

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