Home Forums Help/Technical Questions PedalBoard infront of Line6Spider/Vox Vt 30/Marshall Mg?

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    I Do not have much choice to get an amp apart from the mentioned brands since we have official dealers from them here in Bangladesh.Mostly I will need this amp to use for home and band practice sessions.


    Line6 spider 4-75 watt
    Vox vt 30
    Marshall Mg 15/30 etc

    So please let me know which one should give an optimum better out put of the options , My pedal board is attached below.



    really? that’s it for options? you’d almost be better off building your own or buying a bass amp with no built in effects (and then rolling the low end down a bit). Look for at least 30w and a 10″ speaker (if you can find one, the SWR LA10 is the sleeper practise amp of the century).

    really? that’s it for options? you’d almost be better off building your own or buying a bass amp with no built in effects (and then rolling the low end down a bit). Look for at least 30w and a 10″ speaker (if you can find one, the SWR LA10 is the sleeper practise amp of the century).

    There are options of single stacks of Marshall but thats too big for me right now to carry home and everywhere everyday lol!

    I also found Peavey Valveking 112 and 212, let me know your thoughts.


    I like the valvekings; I used to have a red-stripe era bandit that worked rather well for most applications. Peavey makes some excellent amps. They’re built to last and they take pedals really well.

    I like the valvekings; I used to have a red-stripe era bandit that worked rather well for most applications. Peavey makes some excellent amps. They’re built to last and they take pedals really well.

    Looks like that is my best shot,thanks bro.

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