Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Pedal delivered for repair under warranty, but no reply

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    My pedal broke 2 days after purchasing, so i sent my pedal in with the filled out warranty card, reciept, shipping and handling money, everything it asked for. I payed the extra 79 cents for the tracking when i shipped it, and i tracked it up until delivery. It was delivered October 7, and today is October 9, i have yet to get an email from EHX confirming that they got my pedal. Does it normally take a while for EHX to respond? Should i be worried?

    The EH Man

    I’m not sure if they’ll actually send you an email confirming receipt. You can probably email or call them to check on it but I’d wait a few days first to give them some time.

    Also, if you had it only two days, why didn’t you just bring it back to the store where you bought it? You had the receipt.

    This seems to be a continous thing on here….seriously everyone, if you’ve only had it a few weeks or less just take/send the freaking thing back to the shop where you bought it.

    I’m not saying this is true in this case but it makes me suspicious that something dodgy is going on in some cases.


    I would have, except for the fact that i bought it off of Amazon.com, and there was no information on returns for the product when i bought it.


    Can you find any return information, because i sure cant.

    I would have, except for the fact that i bought it off of Amazon.com, and there was no information on returns for the product when i bought it.


    Can you find any return information, because i sure cant.

    Here you go..

    Also, there is probably a customer service number on your actual itemized receipt.

    oh well, it’s at ehx, and that’s all I really care about, but thanks for the link

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