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  • #79265

    Today in music I did something stupid. I went into the store room saw a nice looking bass hanging up, went over pucked a string. Next thing I know it’s fell down onto the keyboard and landed on my foot and my friend just looks at me and goes “oh my god Joe”!


    How’s the foot? I dropped a lump of concrete on mine the other day, it’s still a little painful now.


    i hate it when i cut my fingers on my guitar strings from playing to hard. it really hurts.


    Last week I electrocuted myself on my dirt road special because it’s 2 prong, and it’s picky about which direction it’s plugged in. My hand was tingly for a few minutes, and my heart was racing.

    Last week I electrocuted myself on my dirt road special because it’s 2 prong, and it’s picky about which direction it’s plugged in. My hand was tingly for a few minutes, and my heart was racing.

    hahahaha, you Americans and your dodgy electrics….

    …I was reading something the other day (might have been here) and someone was saying ‘the room where I practice isn’t grounded’ …… I was just wtf :freak:


    dam Friedjessieradio, what kind of people do you play games with where they will bite you for losing!

    and speaking of shokage….i noticed that the metal rim around my pedal board was a small tickling current going threw it, and i cant figure out why, it doesn’t effect sound or usability to any equipment but just odd. it don’t hurt ether, kinda like sticking your tung on a 9V battery to tell if it works, only i can feel it with my skin.


    hay now electro melx, us Americans and our doggy electricity? i think its mostly because we invented it so unfortunetly whenever theres new advancments in the field, we get the prototypes of that system, and sum older places over here havent been upgraded to current specs, or the installer was unaware of them, but anything new needs to be to “code” or it wont pass.

    so by the time you get it its all ready beta tested and works correctly for you….lol


    Nobody invented electricity….. :freak: lol..

    ……..but if you are talking about ‘discovery’ then I think that honour goes to the English scientist William Gilbert …..he actually first coined the term “electricity” and wrote about the electrification of many substances. He also first used the terms electric force, magnetic pole, and electric attraction. This was way back in the 1600’s ….. Benjamin Franklin wasn’t even born until 1706….and even then his father was English. :D


    Nobody invented electricity….. :freak: lol..

    ……..but if you are talking about ‘discovery’ then I think that honour goes to the English scientist William Gilbert …..he actually first coined the term “electricity” and wrote about the electrification of many substances. He also first used the terms electric force, magnetic pole, and electric attraction. This was way back in the 1600’s ….. Benjamin Franklin wasn’t even born until 1706….and even then his father was English. :D


    Tis true.


    grim, you just got english-ed :wave:


    sorry you are correct, i dident mean invent, or discovered ether, i meant to imply using it in wires to supply power within a dwelling, that i can say was commercialized in the states first…im prity sure.

    i never meant to offend, or look like im on a defense, just trying to supply info as to what i thought was correct, and im always open to constructive criticism, or being corrected in my errors.

    and on a side note, i don’t think Americans are any better than anyone els, unlike sum a-holes around here that give us a bad rep with the rest of the world,( i see now that it may have looked like i implied that in my previous post) i actually love the UK and many other non US countries

    that’s one thing i love about music, it brings the world together, its a universal language

    sorry you are correct, i dident mean invent, or discovered ether, i meant to imply using it in wires to supply power within a dwelling, that i can say was commercialized in the states first…im prity sure.

    i never meant to offend, or look like im on a defense, just trying to supply info as to what i thought was correct, and im always open to constructive criticism, or being corrected in my errors.

    and on a side note, i don’t think Americans are any better than anyone els, unlike sum a-holes around here that give us a bad rep with the rest of the world,( i see now that it may have looked like i implied that in my previous post) i actually love the UK and many other non US countries

    there’s no need to explain mate, I was only messing around…. I never thought any of these things for a moment. :thumb:

    If I had thought any of that I could have just banned you….lol ;)

    ….just a bit of friendly banter as far as i’m concerned. :)

    haha, so you guys in the uk use wikipedia too? haha


    lol, you got me there…it’s pretty handy for appearing like you know stuff. :D

    John J

    hey friedjesse, commas are not traditionally used to separate sentences or to precede a list (passive voice). also, periods sometimes go at the end of sentences and apostrophes usually signify abbreviations (active voice).

    just kidding, this is the internet.

    PS: hey john, sometimes capital letters go on proper nouns and at the beginnings of sentences. just kidding!

    John J

    oh you got me! god i love internet grammar

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