Home Forums Review Your EHX Gear order all the EHX pedals you’ve owned from favorite to least favorite

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  • #91639
    Knockout Attack Equaliser (XO)

    I got a questions about.Im planing to buy it next month but i have no chance to try before buy.

    I want to buy it because my amp(Epiphone VJ)has a dark sound and i want to make this amps sound little bit sparkly(i did made with MXR 10 Band EQ but i prefer if EHX if it can make).Can this pedal make this?


    Deluxe Memory man
    Big Muff USA
    #1 echo
    Small Stone (nano)
    Small Clone sold
    DMMH sold
    Small Stone (analog) sold like nano better no volume drop

    Next purchase defiantly a Pulsar!


    Deluxe Memory Man (3 prong). Will NEVER get rid of this one.
    POG. Saved me approximately $4000 in that I don’t have to buy and Electric XII nor a Bass VI.
    Big Muff w/Tone Wicker. Just got this, but am already quite smitten.
    2880. Bought this to develop a one-man ambient live act…Love the clarity of the loops, and the fading ability, but have yet to REALLY spend a lot of time with it. Maybe when I get more abstract again.
    XO Pulsar. Cool sounds to be had, the range of usable sweep is a bit tight though.
    Nano Muff. Great little overdrive…IF you use your guitar’s volume knob. At full blast it’s not so great.
    White Finger. It’s just kind of there, but I can’t imagine it NOT being there. Great for recording bass too.

    Bass Micro Synth. Used this alot…probably too much, kinda got sick of it. Sold it.

    Knockout Attack Equaliser (XO)

    I got a questions about.Im planing to buy it next month but i have no chance to try before buy.

    I want to buy it because my amp(Epiphone VJ)has a dark sound and i want to make this amps sound little bit sparkly(i did made with MXR 10 Band EQ but i prefer if EHX if it can make).Can this pedal make this?

    yes it will, totally…..it’s what I used mine for.


    I’m looking to get one of those eventually to make everything more trebley (is this a word??). i use a les paul jr and it doesnt get super trebley like a strat and i mostly play rhcp stuff which should be played with a strat. or i could just get a strat, but i dont want a strat because they are used by almost everyone (even though they are cool)

    Stoner Wizard

    Hello again, people!

    These are the EH pedals I own:

    – “Muffs and related overdrive/distortion devices”
    * Deluxe Big Muff (late 70’s IC — modded with 3PDT plus additional switch to engage/disengage the compressor. Also, the original built-in AC cord was replaced with a 9V barrel-type connector in order to be used with standard power supply blocks).
    * NYC Big Muff Pi Reissue.
    * Sovtek “Green” Big Muff (modded with a 9V barrel type connector, and in/out jacks “re-reversed”).
    * Metal Muff with Top Boost (new XO series).
    * Double Muff.

    – “Tube-driven stompboxes”
    * Hot Tubes.

    – “Modulation” (tremolo, octaver, ring-mod and others).
    * Pulsar Tremolo (big box reissue).
    * Stereo Pulsar Tremolo (new XO series).
    * Frequency Analyzer (big box version).
    * POG.

    – “Delay/Echo”
    * Deluxe Memory Man.
    * Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai.

    Sorry, but I’m afraid I can’t give a rating (Only an A+ for all of them).

    All of them are essential for me, along with the rest of my stompboxes, guitars and amps that help me to keep on building my signature sound, while I contribute with my guitar work on band or my solo projects.

    Regards from Spain.



    Best to worst

    1)Small Clone
    2)Russian Big Muff Pi
    3)Q-Tron (sold)
    5)Small Stone Reissue (sold)
    6)Big Muff Pi Reissue (sold)


    1. Big Muff Pi Tone Wicker
    2. Double Muff
    3. Xo Graphic Fuzz

    I have an English Muff’n on the way and it’ll probably push the Double Muff down.


    1. POG (new addition…i am in love)
    2. Deluxe Electric Mistress (again, newer and I am still exploring the sonic possibilities)
    3. Small Clone (old standby)
    4. Holy Stain (use it mainly for the lovely reverbs…I use it with the expression pedal as well)

    on the way: Deluxe Memory Man…I have a feeling it will be number 1 once I get it.


    1- Little Big Muff (Killer on my bass)
    2- Stereo Electric Mistress (It’s a mistress and she’s stereo!!)
    3- LBP-1 (Helps a lot gettin’ over the top)

    I’ll get the Micro POG and maybe a Small Stone or Bassballs anytime soon as my music shall require


    • Hazarai
    • 2880
    • Micro Pog
    • Hog
    • Pog
    • Bass Big Muff
    • Sovtek/EHX Green Muff
    • Deluxe Memory Man
    • Frequency Analyzer
    • Small Stone
    • Stereo Polyphase
    • Pulsar
    • Worm
    • Memory Boy
    • Flanger Hoax
    • Graphic EQ
    • LPB1
    • 90s NYC Muff
    • Holy Grail
    • Little Big Muff
    • Octave Mulitplexer
    • Bass Balls

    Kevin Demuth

    1. POG2
    2. Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai
    3. Germanium OD
    4. Pulsar
    5. Micro Pog
    6. Little Big Muff (XO)
    7. NYC Big Muff
    8. Small Clone
    9. Small Stone
    10. Deluxe Memory Man
    11. Stereo Electric Mistress
    12. LPB-1
    13. Bass Balls (NYC)


    Flanger Hoax
    Big Muff Pi
    Small Clone


    1 – micro synth
    2 – pog
    3 – clone theory
    4 – stereo memory man
    5 – stereo pulsar
    6 – #1 echo
    7 – 2880
    8 – voice box
    9 – octave multiplexer
    10- big muff

    but they are all great really!


    1. 2880
    2. stereo memory man w/hazarai
    3. microsynth
    4. big muff pi w/tone wicker
    5. lpb-1
    6. russian bass balls (will be selling soon, needs a home that will use it more)

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