Home Forums Review Your EHX Gear order all the EHX pedals you’ve owned from favorite to least favorite

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  • #91173
    …jeez i need to get crackin and buy some more ehx

    Me too…


    1. Big Muff Pi
    2. Micro QTron (just put it on Lo-Pass, set my amp for a slight overdrive and do some funkin’ rawk!)
    3. Metal Muff (it’s not technically mine, I’m just borrowing it) – I don’t play metal a lot, but it’s fun sometimes. It was a bit intimidating to figure it out though – had to adjust the eq on it and on my amp simultaneously, so it took me some time.
    I might do a short demo tomorrow.


    This is a “rough” favorite to least because it changes all the time.

    Deluxe Memory Man (XO)
    Deluxe Electric Mistress
    Riddle: Q Balls
    Memory Boy
    Micro Synthesizer (RI/Guitar)
    Worm (XO)
    Bass Big Muff
    Q-tron (RI)
    Big Muff (NYC)
    Stereo Pulsar
    Q-tron +
    Holy Grail
    Deluxe Memory Man w/ Hazarai
    Stereo Polyphase
    Bass Balls (Russian)
    Small Stone (RI)
    Small Clone (RI)
    Stereo Clone Theory
    Doctor Q
    22 Caliber
    Stereo Electric Mistress

    This is a “rough” favorite to least because it changes all the time.

    Is that a stereo Orange Tiny Terror combo set-up ? SWEET ! I LOVE my Rocker-30 !
    Deluxe Memory Man (XO)
    Deluxe Electric Mistress
    Q-tron (RI)
    Micro Synthesizer (RI/Guitar)
    Bass Big Muff
    Big Muff (NYC)
    Stereo Pulsar
    Q-tron +
    Holy Grail
    Deluxe Memory Man w/ Hazarai
    Stereo Polyphase
    Bass Balls (Russian)
    Small Stone (RI)
    Stereo Electric Mistress
    Small Clone (RI)
    Stereo Clone Theory
    Doctor Q

    Is that a stereo Orange Tiny Terror combo set-up ? SWEET ! I LOVE my Rocker-30 !



    I got a little carried away with the “Orange Theme” (I do use
    other colored gear) ;)


    Is that a Gretsch in your avatar dsl1?

    Is that a Gretsch in your avatar dsl1?

    Yes – it’s a 2004 6120-1960 :love:

    Is that a Gretsch in your avatar dsl1?

    Yes – it’s a 2004 6120-1960 :love:

    I have one similar to it, mines a 5120. I got it last year and it is such a cool guitar. :D

    Eventually i would like to get a white falcon, not for a while though because they are so expensive. :(

    I have one similar to it, mines a 5120. I got it last year and it is such a cool guitar. :D

    Eventually i would like to get a white falcon, not for a while though because they are so expensive. :(

    Gretsch Guitars are great!

    I have one similar to it, mines a 5120. I got it last year and it is such a cool guitar. :D

    Eventually i would like to get a white falcon, not for a while though because they are so expensive. :(

    Gretsch Guitars are great!

    They are!! :)


    1. SMMH w/H
    2. Q-tron (makes the most interesting feedback)
    3. Big Muff loose wiring
    4. Small clone
    5. Octave Multiplexer
    6. Nano Muff
    7. Germanium OD
    8. Holy Stain
    9. Stereo Clone Theory
    10. LPB-1

    1. SMMH w/H
    2. Q-tron (makes the most interesting feedback)
    3. Big Muff loose wiring
    4. Small clone
    5. Octave Multiplexer
    6. Nano Muff
    7. Germanium OD
    8. Holy Stain
    9. Stereo Clone Theory
    10. LPB-1

    what didn’t you like about the LPB-1? ….. or is it bottom just because it’s not as exciting as the others. :D

    The Hazarai has to be one of the top ten pedals ever made I think.

    1. SMMH w/H
    2. Q-tron (makes the most interesting feedback)
    3. Big Muff loose wiring
    4. Small clone
    5. Octave Multiplexer
    6. Nano Muff
    7. Germanium OD
    8. Holy Stain
    9. Stereo Clone Theory
    10. LPB-1

    what didn’t you like about the LPB-1? ….. or is it bottom just because it’s not as exciting as the others. :D

    The Hazarai has to be one of the top ten pedals ever made I think.

    Yeah it’s just basic, and I don’t really have a use for a boost. I think passive volume controls are a bit more useful. Sometimes decreasing gain is a lot more fun.

    I agree on the Hazarai, it’s a songwriters dream.

    Kevin Demuth
    Yeah it’s just basic, and I don’t really have a use for a boost. I think passive volume controls are a bit more useful. Sometimes decreasing gain is a lot more fun.

    I agree on the Hazarai, it’s a songwriters dream.

    i know you say you don’t really need a boost, but i find a boost useful when used as an always-on ‘line driver’ …
    put it at unity gain (or just above) and place it towards the end of your effects chain (certainly after whatever other dirt pedals you’re using and it will act as a kind of enhancer; tightening up your sound…

    try it. :thumb:

    Yeah it’s just basic, and I don’t really have a use for a boost. I think passive volume controls are a bit more useful. Sometimes decreasing gain is a lot more fun.

    I agree on the Hazarai, it’s a songwriters dream.

    i know you say you don’t really need a boost, but i find a boost useful when used as an always-on ‘line driver’ …
    put it at unity gain (or just above) and place it towards the end of your effects chain (certainly after whatever other dirt pedals you’re using and it will act as a kind of enhancer; tightening up your sound…

    try it. :thumb:

    Yeaht hats kind of how I have my singing tree overdrive set up, if it were going into a solid state it’d be clean. I have a few fuzzes before it and some after. It’s essentially my clean channel (even though its somewhat dirty). Makes everything sound real big (I play in a three piece, no worries).

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