Home Forums Vintage EHX Older Holy Grail Problem

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    So today I got my Holy Grail in the mail today, it’s one of the older big box ones and I noticed it needs the 3.5mm converter for my 1spot to connect so I got that all setup. I read a few people online say that they had problems with noise but I didn’t notice anything however any time I would turn the pedal off or turn a pedal next to it on or off the whole signal would cut out and I would have to jiggle the pedal around to get the signal to come back through. I tested all of my cables and the Holy Grail seemed to be the problem. I know that they use a different adapter than most pedals but I haven’t gotten a chance to get one yet. Was the 1spot the problem? Did I permanently damage the pedal? Or is it something else that might need to be fixed?


    EDIT: If it helps, my current pedal order is TU-3 -> RAT 2 -> Crybaby -> Turbo RAT -> Phase 90 -> Holy Grail -> DD-7


    If I recall correctly, my old Holy Grail unit preferred a 9v 100mA supply over the 9v 500mA supply. I know that doesn’t make much sense, but such is the case.

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