Home Forums Vintage EHX old q tron + , how much would it be worth??

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    hi ppl

    im in posession of an old q tron + (silver box style) , its in generally good condition but a couple of scratches around the q tron lettering.. it has been modded to true bypass (with a cool blue led to show when it is in operation) and a volume pot added..
    just wondering what sort of price would i expect to get IF i were to sell it (no plans on doing so, just curious)
    any thoughts / comments would be most appreciated

    thanks in advance guys

    p.s could`nt add a pic as teh only one i have exceeds 75kb !

    The EH Man

    please read this thread: https://www.ehx.com/forums/viewthread/1929/

    Will someone please sticky that goddam thread??

    please read this thread: https://www.ehx.com/forums/viewthread/1929/

    Will someone please sticky that goddam thread??

    There are so many un-stickyed threads… :facepalm:

    Bill, since I happen to have that pedal model (my most used and favorite all around piece of kit), I’ll point out that I paid $110 for mine on ebay about a year and a half ago. A new Q+ is only about $180. And if that used “vintage” one approached $150, I would have just bought a new one for a variety of reasons. I don’t think they’re really old enough yet to command far reaching prices when the pedal still exists in a more convenient box. My two cents. Good luck.

    thanks but like i said, i dont intend selling it! was just curious and yes , i should`ve read that thread first!! d`oh!!
    it certainly is an incredible pedal, quite different to the other filters i use but great sounding all the same..


    Can’t you nstihy that as an admin EH Man?

    Can’t you nstihy that as an admin EH Man?

    Nope, none of us are superadmins. I’m not even sure who the superadmins are anymore.

    I don’t see the older Qtron+ units come up on eBay as often as they used to. But I can’t imagine anyone paying more than the price of a new XO for an older model.

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