Home Forums Vintage EHX Old EH 4800 Small Stone Vs. New EH 4800 Small Stone

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    I have one of the older EH4800’s- the one that looks the same as the new version EH 4800 Small Stone.
    I like the idea of true bypass in the new one, and it also sounds good on the clips? Is the old EH4800, in your opinion, a much better sounding pedal than the new one? Thanks.

    The EH Man

    It’s the same circuit as the vintage one.


    By the “same circuit”, do you mean all the parts are identical also, or could some parts differences ( resistors, etc.) contribute to a different, perhaps better tone from the old one? Thanks.


    I used to have a 1978 model (stupidly sold it). Two years ago bought the re issue, to be honest I can here no difference.

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