Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Octave multiplexer – simulating bass guitar with standard guitar?

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    Hi all,
    Title says it all really – I am looking for a pedal that I can use to simulate a bass guitar without getting a bass!

    Ideally I would like to use that pedal to play a bassline (just the octave down, no original pitch guitar) into my Boss Loop Station then put it on bypass to play some guitar over the top of it.

    Could the Octave Multiplexer do that?

    Also, I have a Big Muff so I wonder what that might sound like it through it?

    Any replies much appreciated!



    You can blend the octave signal to 100% so yes you can do that.
    Dan Miller does it in the demo here


    You can, but in my experience the micropog does octave down much better… unless you like glitchy analogue mess.


    I’ve been doing this for years with Ableton (looper).. I started with the BOSS OC-3 octave, then a Digitech Whammy.. Now I use my POG2, but more often the HOG as it has the best sounding bass (octave down) of all I’ve tried, IMO. The HOG replaced my Whammy, and my Crybaby from hell. But for an inexpensive pedal, the Octave Multiplexer is better then the BOSS, and not quite as good as the POG2/Micro POG. But if you can afford it, I highly recommend the HOG.



    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSC2edXk9YY 3:05 – 3:28 has directly inspired me to build an octave multiplexer (im on a severe budget and i see this as a learning experience) over the summer, i watched that over and over and over. of course i still havent gotten around do building it but i hope to.

    from what i see, it being monophonic, i can only handle lines and not chords so if youre planning to use your guitar like a bass and do bass lines, it will do it but if youre planning for chords, thats a no go. good luck


    Thank you very much for your helpful replies.

    I’ve read up a bit more about the POG, which is digital so may track better than then OM.

    Am I right in thinking this could be also used to simulate a bass guitar, but with the added bonus of simulating a 12-string and organ? As its name suggests, it must also be able to handle more than one note.

    So, do any of you use a POG to simulate a bass guitar I wonder?


    I have presets on both my POG2 and my HOG that make my guitar sound like a bass. I even have combinations of the HOG and POG2 to do bass ‘boosts’ and synth bass stuff.



    yes you are correct

    pog means polyphonic octave generator and the polyphonic part is what the multiple notes deal with. you can throw chords at it all day. now the octave multiplexer is monophonic so it can only handle one note at a time

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