Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Octave Multiplexer hums when engaged

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    When I engage my new Octave Multiplexer it hums. I touch the box and hum goes away. Easy fix or send back?

    The EH Man

    It hums because it doesn’t know the words.

    Seriously, it sounds like there’s a bad ground connection somewhere. Open it up and see if the black wires are soldered at both ends. Also make sure the jacks are tightened.


    Well, this is one of the new NYC made ones. There are few wires and the jacks are mostly plastic.
    First time I have run into these and I must say I am not a fan. The only wires in here are the ones off the battery and the ribbon from the 3pdt to the circuit board. Is a ground wire missing?

    The EH Man

    I assumed you meant one of the big box units. Probably no loose wires, then. I’d go back to the store and try another.


    Bought online…..

    I wouldn’t think this should be a hard fix, but I am just a phone man.
    Any other advice you could offer?

    It is definately a ground hum and when in bypass it does not hum.

    The EH Man

    Are you using a battery or power supply?

    If using a supply, is it the EH one or other brand?


    I am using the factory new 9v battery.

    The EH Man

    I’d say either send it back or send to EHX for warranty reepair.

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