Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Octave Multiplex noise/tracking

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    Hi, I’m new to the EHX forums. Be nice!

    I bought a used Octave Multiplexer (here in the UK). I’m finding that it’s very noisy, and that it doesn’t seem to track the notes I play cleanly. I’ve taken out the battery, as I’m using a daisy-chain power supply (1spot by Truetone). The strings on the guitar are new. And all the patch cables are new; the instrument/amp leads are old, but tested and working. It definitely sounds like an unhealthy pedal: gritty, rumble, and when I pluck one note (bridge puck up selected, string plucked near neck) and let it ring, the note kind of ‘splits’, and wavers between two pitches.

    I got this pedal to allow me to record bass line loops with my Strat, and it’s just not working cleanly enough to be viable. So I’m very disappointed. Is this a known issue? I can find nothing on the internet. Nor here. Although I’ve only spent about an hour searching the latter, as opposed to several hours trawling the web at large. Would really appreciate any help, as my loops are supposed to be built from the bass parts upward, and I’m falling at the first hurdle, with the Octave Multiplexer not delivering…

    Thanks in advance. Regards, Seb


    Hi Seb
    A better option for you would be the Bass9 pedal.

    The octave multiplex is whats called a flip flop circuit. Its a very early analog form of producing an octave down.
    They are glitchy and some what unstable. Neck pick up is best.

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