Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Oceans 12 strange hiss in Resonant algorithm as Reverb B

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    Hey there, I am new to this forum and hope that you can help me. I apologize in advance if my sentences are sometimes a little bit strange or if I sound a little bit harsh or rude. English is not my native tongue, and I am struggling all the time with it.

    But back to my question. A few weeks back, I bought an Oceans 12 Reverb for my Microfreak, and I love it. I really enjoy dialing in the different algorithms and combining them to get even lusher soundscapes. Even now, I haven’t fully explored all the possibilities.

    A few days ago, I encountered an odd problem with the Resonant algorithm. If both Reverb engines are engaged, and Reverb B is set to the Resonant Algorithm and selected for editing (select button), there is a strange hiss in the sound. This hiss is also present in the spring algorithm. It is not present in any of the ohter algorithms. It disappears completely if I switch the select button to reverb A for editing. For reverb A, this problem is not present at all. It always works as intended.

    It seems a little bit as if the LED that indicates that Reverb B is selected is responsible for the hiss.

    Is this a common issue, or is my pedal malfunctioning?

    For additional context: this issue doesn’t occur every time but seems to be more prominent if I use a stereo signal as input (I use the Tricerachorus from Eventide to make the monosignal from the Microfreak stereo). It definitely is not an input level issue. Even if I lower the level of my synth to nearly 0, the hiss stays there.


    I just thought of another little quirk I observed that may be related to this one, so I’ll add it here.

    If I have both reverbs engaged, sometimes I deactivate reverb A first and then reverb B. Afterwards, when I try to re-engage reverb A, sometimes reverb B gets engaged instead. I haven’t really figured out a pattern, but it occurs quite often. In the manual, I couldn’t find any information regarding this behavior. So I don’t really know if it is intentional or not.


    Please write the techs at info@ehx.com
    M-F 9am-5pm NYC time
    They can help you with these issues.

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