Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Noisy Soul Food?

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    I just purchased a brand new Soul Food and find it a bit noisy, more so than my Boss BD-2 or Boss SD-1. My amp is very quiet normally. The Boss pedals introduce a little noise but the Soul Food, which I tried by itself going through the included power supply straight to the amp was quite noisy. Is there anything that can be done to reduce the noise?


    To know if it is the pedal, try a few different cables to the amp and then;

    #1) Turn the guitar volume to ‘0’. If the noise is gone, it’s the guitar at fault.
    #2) Use a battery. If the noise is gone, the power supply isn’t filtered enough.

    With the pedal, try and make sure all jacks are tight, even though it’s a new pedal. There shouldn’t be anything loose inside, or a poor wire connection. But a bad ground through the jacks might be your trouble.

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