Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Newer = Better, or ‘Old Faithful’…?

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  • #79717

    Heya guys,
    Still planning my pedalboard expansions, and was wondering what the general consensus would be in regards to which pedal would be better (or should I say ‘better’, as I guess it may be subjective) in these instances…

    ‘Old Faithful’ Big Muff Pi NYC … or ‘Newer = Better’ Big Muff Pi W/Tone Wicker

    Can the Tone Wicker one properly replicate the older version anyway, plus extras? Or is ‘just not the same’?


    ‘Old Faithful’ Deluxe Memory Man XO … or ‘Newer = Better’ Deluxe Memory Boy

    What do you reckon…?


    The EH Man

    This is a case of “you’ll have to listen to them and decide for yourself”. There are some differences in circuitry between the 2 models.


    i was sorta unhappy with my tone wicker’s tone yesterday but i would say dmb = better although i havent tried it.


    I’ll take that Tone Wicker BMP off your hands! I have been wanting one… The issue with questions like this is you can’t ask others opinions! It’s all subjective and the tone and sound you want are something you have to figure out, no one can tell you what’s better or worse because we all have differeing views and hear sound waves differently. Our individual perceptions also influence the sound of those waves ;)

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