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    *headdesk* The point. You’re missing it.

    Not only is a comment like that unhelpful, it’s also extremely elitist. The fact is, without distortion, THERE IS NO HARD ROCK. Just because you have distortion in your chain, doesn’t mean your basing it on an archetype. And besides, give me a three pedal combo that doesn’t clearly fall into some archetype or another. You can’t.

    EDIT: I was adressing Costch, for the record.

    good point i was acaully(wrong spelling) thinking of somthing that will fit the board easy like the mxr carbon copy not the SMMW/HH also where is the best place for tuner pedal?

    Carbon Copys are cool, but EHX is coming out with their response to it within month or two, so wait for that, I’d say. And tuner after fuzz so it can be used as a mute, but before modulation or delay.

    also where is the best place for tuner pedal?

    it doesn’t really matter that much, wherever’s good for you.

    with regard to other pedal suggestions, by all means take on board what people suggest but also remember the pedals that they like might not be best for you (and your guitar and amp) so always reseach further, using good quality video demos as a minimum, if at all possible get down to a shop and try some stuff out with your guitar or a similar guitar/amp.

    I don’t think anyone has mentioned budget yet either, which unless you are loaded will play a part in what you are looking for. I’ve had (and sold) many different effects over the years (many different brands too) and most have them have been very good at what they do. Sometimes I just couldn’t find a use for them because of my playing style…. my honest advice would be to try some out that you think you’d like, there’s plenty of gear around in the used market so if you buy at a good price you can always sell on if you decide it’s not for you.


    But honestly, it would help if you gave us more info on what you’re looking for…


    i’ve now found just what I need to all my music taste the digitech rp500



    Trust me, picking up the Digitech will seem like a great idea, but they’re terribly built, foul sounding, and unmusical. If you must go the Multieffect route, and it kills me to say this, get the Boss ME-70. Same price, but better built, more features, and slightly better sound. If you can afford it, go for the TC Nova System. It’s stunning sounding.


    well I guess it’s pretty expensive. Also can someone recomend a good power surpply?


    Voodoo Lab Pedal Power II.


    Trust me, picking up the Digitech will seem like a great idea, but they’re terribly built, foul sounding, and unmusical. If you must go the Multieffect route, and it kills me to say this, get the Boss ME-70. Same price, but better built, more features, and slightly better sound. If you can afford it, go for the TC Nova System. It’s stunning sounding.

    i hate digitech pedals. my friend has one of their distortion pedals and it sounds like crap.


    Trust me, picking up the Digitech will seem like a great idea, but they’re terribly built, foul sounding, and unmusical. If you must go the Multieffect route, and it kills me to say this, get the Boss ME-70. Same price, but better built, more features, and slightly better sound. If you can afford it, go for the TC Nova System. It’s stunning sounding.

    i hate digitech pedals. my friend has one of their distortion pedals and it sounds like crap.

    Digitech pedals are great for beginers but other than that, they’re worthless.

    well I guess it’s pretty expensive. Also can someone recomend a good power surpply?

    Called it. Digitech + Multi! No offense folks, but judging by the music JJ13 listed in his first post this actually seems like the right choice. Digitech is marketing and sculpting their gear to fit a specific sound that no one else really is.. Not my sound or a sound I care to obtain, but they have the New Metal, etc… genre covered.

    BUT that said: JJ13 – there’s a lot to be said for just picking out 1 or 2 effects to start off with. And learning them well. A multi effect can, without restraint (and a LOT of time dialing it in), create a huge mess – bad tone, awful sounds, waisted time playing with things like “Filter twist flange uber fuzz” and such.

    My honest advice is get a nice (Mesa Boogie – not my choice amp, but what nails this sound) amp and ONE distortion pedal you like. Then spend time writing songs until you figure out what you really wish you had in there. Be it Chorus, Flange, Reverb, etc..

    Anyways……. Digitech RP series can be great. I still have an ancient one, that I picked up at Goodwill, (RP-40 or 50?) that I bust out for pitch and reverb presets I have stored on it.

    i’ve now found just what I need to all my music taste the digitech rp500

    😆 All of these suggestions, and you arrive at a digitech rp500.

    You will generally find that most pedal enthusiasts, especially EHX enthusiasts, have a distinct prejudice against digital multi-fx. It’s a bit like buying Hemingway’s entire anthology before having read one of his books. Most literary geeks start with one book, and then go from there.

    But that isn’t to say that the rp500 won’t rock your world. :thumb:



    To be honest, I started on guitar and bass with some DigiTech multi-effects (an RP50 and a BP200). I do, however, plan to trade in the BP200 within the month…naturally using the trade credit for more EHX gear *cough*micro POG*cough*. As has been said already: DigiTech is decent beginner gear, but as you play more and more you’ll find yourself looking for higher quality (both structurally and tonally). And, as always, you can’t go wrong with EHX stuff.


    I love effects (have some 30 or so pedals) but multi-effects, from my experience, are a waste. I’ve had several different multi-effect units and no matter how you market a bag full of tricks, if the tricks are sh*t then you just bought yourself a big bag of sh*t. If you don’t know any better then the sounds will probably work for you but later on when you start hearing how much better and more personal individual effects can be you will soon learn (once your ear becomes more developed). I found a distortion I am absolutely in love with! It’s the Rocktron Silver Dragon (get one of eBay for half the price!). I have an LPB-1, Hot Tubes, English Muff’n, Tubescreamer, Russian BMP, Dano Transparent Overdrive, and a Behringer Vintage Tube Monster and this Rocktron pedal has made it’s way into my starting lineup. It has so many cool features and the only con is it has no mid control. It has a crunch and a lead side and combines tube distortion with solid state and it makes my Line 6 amp scream. I have too many other effects to get into what other stuff you might like but something like a Worm might be good because it has some really good basic effects (Phase, Tremolo, Vibrato, Etc)…Good luck but you should definitely go try out as many effects as possible and decide what YOU want YOUR sound to be like! That’s the most important thing.

    *Oh and for a power supply, try a Godlyke. I have one right now powering two pedal boards by itself and it’s pure and clean!


    What about the diago powerstation (diago are British so you may not know who they are)

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