Home Forums EHX News New HOG Sample Settings And Blank Templates

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  • #80515
    bill ruppert

    Hi everybody,

    There are new sample settings and blank templates up on the EHX site for the HOG pedal.
    There are some cool sounds you HOG owners will enjoy

    The down loadable PDF file is here:

    The product page is here:



    thats great bill-everyone loves free settings!!


    yeah, I need to try some of these out sometime!


    Just got word my HOG is in! Can’t wait to get home from tour and pick it up. I’ll post some settings of my own once I’ve got a chance to play with it.. Only three more days!


    bill ruppert

    The last preset is the Green Onions preset.
    It is based on this:


    Hey Bill;

    Got my HOG this past weekend, and I can’t stop playing with the thing! It’s hands down the best pedal I’ve ever owned.

    I do a lot of work with Ableton live, looping my guitar and vocoder to create live dance/pop-rock. I’ve been using clips in Ableton to control the HOG via midi, time sync’d to my songs. This is an amazing feature that has allowed me to create Microsynth type sounds, amoung others, without needing to operate the expression manually.

    I’m wondering if you’ve used this function of the HOG? I haven’t found much online about others implementing midi in this way.

    Keep up the good work.. Looking forward to the next installment of Effectology!



    bill ruppert

    Thanks TGM!
    I have not played with the midi end of the pedal but what you describe sounds great.
    Keep up the good work.
    I have to break out a midi cable!!

    Hey Bill;

    Got my HOG this past weekend, and I can’t stop playing with the thing! It’s hands down the best pedal I’ve ever owned.

    I do a lot of work with Ableton live, looping my guitar and vocoder to create live dance/pop-rock. I’ve been using clips in Ableton to control the HOG via midi, time sync’d to my songs. This is an amazing feature that has allowed me to create Microsynth type sounds, amoung others, without needing to operate the expression manually.

    I’m wondering if you’ve used this function of the HOG? I haven’t found much online about others implementing midi in this way.

    Keep up the good work.. Looking forward to the next installment of Effectology!



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