Home Forums EHX News New Devices: Germanium^4 Big Muff &, .44 Magnum, Freeze, Neo Clone, & Headphone Amp

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    Premier Guitar video.

    One thing I didn’t think of with the freeze is that being a HOG owner, I could do freeze and have both the dry and wet be octaved. (You can’t do that with the HOG, whatever you play over top is always dry.)

    So that’s pretty cool.

    44 Magnum sounds pretty good.

    I want to hear someone play some sludgy riffs with the Germanium 4 Big Muff. None of this blues stuff!


    found another video:


    thanks for sighting those julian! i cant wait for next year


    wait, theres a winter namm right?


    And a video from Whatsthatdudeplay


    Stop putting reverb on the ‘Germanium Muff’ Larry!


    Seems to be more ‘overdrive’ than ‘distortion’ to my ears. I was kind of hoping it would cover everything from ‘amp breakup’ to ‘full on metal’ (sort of a Germanium OD mixed with a Metal Muff). But they seem to have stopped short of that.

    The freeze looks super cool though!


    Yeah, why all that reverb, is it just to get attention for the reverb.. Or would the Germanium Muff sound thin if not?^^


    i should check this website more often because i’ve missed soo much thats been going on.

    the new muff sounds great!

    Yeah, why all that reverb, is it just to get attention for the reverb.. Or would the Germanium Muff sound thin if not?^^

    Well, I want to hear it through a more beefy sounding guitar with the beefiest of settings on a normal amp.

    I hope John Pisani does some demos soon.


    2 things,

    is the 2 volumes on the g4bm the same thing as a blend?

    the 22 caliber over the 44 magnum is just quieter right?


    I think it’s just like running two separate drive pedals together, making them work just like normal volume controls.

    The only things I’ve noticed different with the 44 magnum: Only 8 or 16 ohm, not 4 ohms (makes me sad, since both my cabs are 4 ohms!) The other thing is that it has twice the wattage.

    I think it’s just like running two separate drive pedals together, making them work just like normal volume controls.

    The only things I’ve noticed different with the 44 magnum: Only 8 or 16 ohm, not 4 ohms (makes me sad, since both my cabs are 4 ohms!) The other thing is that it has twice the wattage.

    the 22 can’t be used with 4ohm either…. it makes the amp cut out when you turn it up loud, they’ve changed the details to say 8-16ohm.


    oh :(

    I was planning on building a 4×10 cab for my bandmaster at some point, and I’m pretty sure my bandmaster is 4 ohms, just like my Bassman and my Kent.


    Like alot of you, I loved the freeze modes on the HOG so this freeze pedal looks like the dog’s bollocks.
    One question though… one thing I really enjoyed was being able to controll the volume of the drone with the exp pedal.
    What would be a simple way to set this up with the freeze pedal and a standalone volume control? (so I can adjust the volume of the freezed notes without affecting the volume of my dry signal and whatever I’m playing over the top)?



    1- get a boss LS-2
    2- set it to A+B -> Bypass mode
    3- from send A, put in the freeze and then a volume pedal- patch it back into return A
    4- from send B, put a patch cable into return B

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