Home Forums EHX News New Devices: Germanium^4 Big Muff &, .44 Magnum, Freeze, Neo Clone, & Headphone Amp

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    Would someone please confirm an XO Deluxe Electric Mistress??? Pllleeeeeaaaassse! The older chasis bodies are killing my real estate! I have 1 blue deluxe 4 knob DMM, 1 big box RI DMM, 1 Green Sovtek and 1 82 V7 transistor muff. That’s a whole board almost. I had to get sell my russian small stone because of its’ size and loved the sound of it.

    Ned Flanders

    Freeze seems it may be useful for a droning note providing you can play over it. can you? i assume so?!?!?!?

    The Ge muff dont interest me at all, surprisingly. Nor do any of the others really, i’m not into pedals anymore, I just use the 4 pedals that make my sound (no big muff either) and really have no interest in others.
    I’m more interested in guitars these days,hence why i havent been around any effects forums for months.

    I just realized the freezer doesn’t have a way to eliminate the dry sound. For someone who uses parallel effects loops, this is a huge disappointment for me, and I think a big oversight.

    I wanted to run it parallel to my dry/fuzz signal so then I could hold something and futz with it with my HOG and other effects while I play unfutzed with clean stuff at the same time.

    Phase cancel your dry signal with the output of the Freeze.


    There’s an idea for a pedal- the phase canceler! Those would sell by the ton!

    Liberty- I haven’t actually bought a pedal since last January myself. Last two purchases were Bass Big Muff and Tone Wicker.

    I’ve bought some guitars and amps at flea markets, but I’ve mostly been buying records and DIY stuff. I certainly see the merits in playing with minimal effects, but I still want stuff. My board’s been disassembled for months. I really want to put it back together, but my amp’s in need of a retube and so I don’t feel motivated without my main amp working.

    I am kind of interested in the Germanium Big Muff though. If I dig the tones that is. I’m just hoping that it is actually a muff when you take out all the extra bells and whistles under the hood, otherwise it’d be weird to have a Big Muff that isn’t really a Big Muff.

    There’s an idea for a pedal- the phase canceler! Those would sell by the ton!

    Liberty- I haven’t actually bought a pedal since last January myself. Last two purchases were Bass Big Muff and Tone Wicker.

    I’ve bought some guitars and amps at flea markets, but I’ve mostly been buying records and DIY stuff. I certainly see the merits in playing with minimal effects, but I still want stuff. My board’s been disassembled for months. I really want to put it back together, but my amp’s in need of a retube and so I don’t feel motivated without my main amp working.

    I am kind of interested in the Germanium Big Muff though. If I dig the tones that is. I’m just hoping that it is actually a muff when you take out all the extra bells and whistles under the hood, otherwise it’d be weird to have a Big Muff that isn’t really a Big Muff.

    Yes sir! A phase switch is a MUST have when running parallel loops. Especially with EHX pedals mixed with Boss and others. I’m currently building a new buffered parallel blender and just got the schematic to add the phase switch but I can’t get any of it to work. AAAAAHH!

    There’s an idea for a pedal- the phase canceler! Those would sell by the ton!

    dont shoot me, whats a phase canceler and what is parallel looping

    looping and freezing are completely different though.

    Jesse, even with a Y splitter, you’re still sending dry to the Freeze, and the dry will pass through the unit when the effect is on, which is exactly what I don’t want. The only way to eliminate the dry would be to hit a mute right before the freeze every time you use it, or to mod it internally.

    I still might get one if I can figure out how to do a dry switch easily.

    im not following. what do you want?


    Well basically I’d like the Freeze to have its own effects line. So for example I’m playing a clean passage. I hit the freeze and the frozen notes have tremolo. But not the clean notes.

    Typically this would be accomplished with a Y splitter (or simply a pedal with two outputs) and a mixer (or simply a multi-channel amp, which is what I use) so I’d have a dry audio path and a wet audio path. In the wet audio path would be the freeze, followed by whatever effects you’d want to have on it. The dry audio path would be dry.

    It’s important though for this sort of set-up to run your effects 100% wet, because otherwise your wet path would have dry signal, and you don’t want your dry signal affected.

    That’s actually how I run my HOG, so I can do that. The point in me wanting the Freezer is partially because the auto-decay function sounds really useful to me, and I’ve always wanted to run two HOGs in a row so I could have freeze and then use the other HOG to do filter and pitch sweeps of the frozen chord.

    This is a nice way BTW to put effects on your delay if your delay doesn’t have an effects loop.

    Phase cancellation is simply a way to get rid of unwanted sound by combining it with the same sound 180 degrees out of phase with it. There are phase cancelling headphones that play ambient sounds 180 degrees out of phase to get rid of them, but they don’t cancel out the music you’re listening to.


    ok. im still unsure on the 1st idea but i know the phase cancellation now. i knew it before. i just didnt know what that would be called. im not sure i understand how it would be in a pedal though?


    we’ve got the american prices for the pedals but ive had a look and found a site thats got the english prices with a pre order function, however some places might do them cheaper, or more expensive, we’ll have to see until they come out

    Freeze – £89
    44 Magnum – £124
    Neo Clone – £55
    Big Muff 4 – £85

    all of these prices are off http://www.gasfactory.co.uk/default/…monix.html?p=3

    ok. im still unsure on the 1st idea but i know the phase cancellation now. i knew it before. i just didnt know what that would be called. im not sure i understand how it would be in a pedal though?

    Well you simply have a mixer with 2 inputs, and you have a circuit putting one of the inputs 180 degrees out of phase.


    well, as it seems EHX listen to suggestions from the community and deliver the goods (ie. the freeze pedal) could i throw the idea of an analog pitch vibrato out there…..

    something nano size with controls for speed and depth…..not a univibe clone, more of the music box, old record type pitch warble….nice and slow and warm.

    it could be called the ‘music box’ or something like that.


    pretty please :)

    well, as it seems EHX listen to suggestions from the community and deliver the goods (ie. the freeze pedal) could i throw the idea of an analog pitch vibrato out there…..

    something nano size with controls for speed and depth…..not a univibe clone, more of the music box, old record type pitch warble….nice and slow and warm.

    it could be called the ‘music box’ or something like that.


    pretty please :)

    Sounds kind of like the Clone Theory minus chorus.

    ok. im still unsure on the 1st idea but i know the phase cancellation now. i knew it before. i just didnt know what that would be called. im not sure i understand how it would be in a pedal though?

    Well you simply have a mixer with 2 inputs, and you have a circuit putting one of the inputs 180 degrees out of phase.

    now would this pedal cancel the unwanted while inside the circuit or be put out of the amp?


    ok, i feel like ive discovered the cure for aids here.

    i think that i have found a deluxe freeze.

    its called the cathedral by electro harmonix!

    i dont own one but after persistent thought, i believe that the infinite feature could double as a freeze. think about it. with the dampening/tone knob set to 0, does that give you original tone? well even if no, what about on the echo setting? dose that still use the infinite? i know it says infinite/tap but im thinking it might do both. i wish i had one. ive been bugging my parents about it. haha. well if anybodys got one, may i ask if you would experiment with this and try to get a clean tone to be infinite from the cathedral.

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