Home Forums EHX News New Devices: Germanium^4 Big Muff &, .44 Magnum, Freeze, Neo Clone, & Headphone Amp

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    So whats the difference between the Neo Clone and the Nano Clone? The only difference I see is a depth knob added to the Neo. But otherwise, is that it?

    So whats the difference between the Neo Clone and the Nano Clone? The only difference I see is a depth knob added to the Neo. But otherwise, is that it?

    nano clone is non-daisy-chain-able. not the same circuit as the small clone. neo clone presumably is, but there will probably be cork sniffers after it comes out who say it doesn’t sound as good.

    The EH Man
    So whats the difference between the Neo Clone and the Nano Clone? The only difference I see is a depth knob added to the Neo. But otherwise, is that it?

    The Neo should be the same circuit as the Small Clone. The Nano Clone is a different circuit and not nearly as good as the Small Clone.


    I just realized the freezer doesn’t have a way to eliminate the dry sound. For someone who uses parallel effects loops, this is a huge disappointment for me, and I think a big oversight.

    I wanted to run it parallel to my dry/fuzz signal so then I could hold something and futz with it with my HOG and other effects while I play unfutzed with clean stuff at the same time.


    Liking the idea of the “Freeze” pedal. Any idea of how much it will be and when it will be available in the UK?


    I really like the new line of pedals, but I personally am only interested in buying the Freeze, it sounds like a lot of fun:)

    I just realized the freezer doesn’t have a way to eliminate the dry sound. For someone who uses parallel effects loops, this is a huge disappointment for me, and I think a big oversight.

    I wanted to run it parallel to my dry/fuzz signal so then I could hold something and futz with it with my HOG and other effects while I play unfutzed with clean stuff at the same time.

    honestly, if you’ve got enough gear to run effects in parallel, you probably have an old distortion that can be used as a ‘mute’ switch to cut out the dry signal. the set decay times are the only real problem I have with it- what’s wrong with the idea of using a variable capacitor or resistor for that?


    Well technically I could do that. Or I could just make a mute pedal. They’re pretty simple. But it seems to be a little extra tedium that would be unnecessary if the Freezer simply had a blend control instead of an Effect Level control. Or separate wet/dry outs.

    I just realized the freezer doesn’t have a way to eliminate the dry sound. For someone who uses parallel effects loops, this is a huge disappointment for me, and I think a big oversight.

    I wanted to run it parallel to my dry/fuzz signal so then I could hold something and futz with it with my HOG and other effects while I play unfutzed with clean stuff at the same time.

    I have to agree…I was hoping to be able to split off the wet signal so I can process the frozen notes/chords seperately. Too bad the blend knob at max couldn’t be 100% wet, with maybe an additional out jack.

    The rise/decay modes are exciting, would’ve been nice to be able to manually adjust the times – here’s to hoping for an expanded, non-nano version of the Freeze in the future.


    I do think the decay thing is a nice touch.

    It’d be nice if they had an XO one with wet/dry blend, separate wet/dry outs, gliss, an expression pedal input, switchable expression modes like on the HOG, and tap tempo for the decay/attack.


    That would be awesome Julian!!!


    a couple thoughts,

    deluxe freeze would be nice.
    there could possibly be an internal pot for mix?
    if not, just run a Y series.

    i was thinking about the freeze and was like “i wont like it because ill have to keep my foot on it at all times. they should have made a latch button. . .oh”


    Freeze looks indeed very GASy :-)

    i already got the hog, so a freeze note or chord is not the main thing for me, but still.

    BUT – what it could have been: a small, no brain looper for either frozen chords/notes or small licks and samples, lets say, up to 10 or 20 secs.
    same function as in freeze with latch switching – either you just freeze a note or you play a small lick and “freeze” that by staying on the switch for the wanted time.

    then again with decay or – next tap is delete and record again at the same time…

    would have made this much more interesting.

    but still – great one!

    hope, there are a few more pedals in store though!

    best regards



    looping and freezing are completely different though.

    Jesse, even with a Y splitter, you’re still sending dry to the Freeze, and the dry will pass through the unit when the effect is on, which is exactly what I don’t want. The only way to eliminate the dry would be to hit a mute right before the freeze every time you use it, or to mod it internally.

    I still might get one if I can figure out how to do a dry switch easily.

    I do think the decay thing is a nice touch.

    It’d be nice if they had an XO one with wet/dry blend, separate wet/dry outs, gliss, an expression pedal input, switchable expression modes like on the HOG, and tap tempo for the decay/attack.

    Agreed. I run all my delays in parallel 100% wet. But….I don’t see this pedal costing much and hopefully won’t be hard to mod. Really not a whole lot different than some of the boss expression pedals.

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