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    This was on here a long time ago guys. Learn to use the search function. Wow and this was posted by an admin I just now realized! C’mon guys, at least bump the old one.


    This was on here a long time ago guys. Learn to use the search function. Wow and this was posted by an admin I just now realized! C’mon guys, at least bump the old one.

    nah, originally it was posted in the EHX news section, personally I don’t like bumping those threads because I think the latest news should be at the top. Once it becomes old news but people still want to talk about it I think it’s better to have a thread here to continue the topic.

    Does anyone use the search BTW? the same topics seem to come up over and over again in the help section, hence we have started to put together FAQs.


    I see what you are saying. I didn’t mean for it to come off sounding like an ass or anything but when I reread my post I kind of got that feeling so I apologize.

    I see what you are saying. I didn’t mean for it to come off sounding like an ass or anything but when I reread my post I kind of got that feeling so I apologize.

    :D it’s ok, don’t worry about it….I know somtimes things come over not as you intended on forums, I do it all the time on other forums!! but as I’m admin here I have to be extra careful before I hit ‘post’ 😆

    Does anyone use the search BTW? the same topics seem to come up over and over again in the help section, hence we have started to put together FAQs.

    The search bar gets really frustrating for me sometimes. because if i want to see if there’s a thread about a certain pedal, the product page comes up and other places where the pedal was mentioned like a blog post or something. and then i’ll have to go through pages and pages to find what i’m looking for. i think there should be a “search forum” bar in addition to the whole “search EHX.com” bar. Know what i’m trying to say?

    Does anyone use the search BTW? the same topics seem to come up over and over again in the help section, hence we have started to put together FAQs.

    The search bar gets really frustrating for me sometimes. because if i want to see if there’s a thread about a certain pedal, the product page comes up and other places where the pedal was mentioned like a blog post or something. and then i’ll have to go through pages and pages to find what i’m looking for. i think there should be a “search forum” bar in addition to the whole “search EHX.com” bar. Know what i’m trying to say?

    yeah, I know exactly what you are saying. I have no idea if anything can be done about it, but I’ll ask the people who will know!!

    I just searched for ‘big muff’ and none of the first page results were from the forum….I guess that’s pretty useless if you are looking for threads in the forum about the big muff….



    if you go into a forum say ‘Help/Technical Questions’

    then scroll down to the bottom and there is a “Search Help/Technical Questions:” box which enables you to search that section of the forum.

    I’d never noticed it before either!! :D :facepalm:

    maybe I’ll see if I can get that moved up or something.


    Thanks, i’ve never noticed that before! :facepalm: That makes searching a whole lot easier.

    i guess i’ve never scrolled down that far on the page before :freak:

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