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    2880 is my very best friend, I’m mostly using it for electronic music producing, live sampling, soundscapes. Last night i came to some ideas about it, take a look:

    • 8 mono channels of audio

    • Independent OCTAVE UP & OCTAVE DOWN function for each channel (at the same time Master Octave should remain )

    • Independent REVERSE function for each channel (or even PLAY MODE button: play backward, play forward<->backward, one shot playback )

    • Individual outs for each channel

    • SCENES “<" & ">” buttons. By “Scenes” I mean the possibility to keep not only one loop in memory, but for example 8 of them, and the possibility to switch between them without stopping the playback. It’s like to have “patterns” or “sequences” in a world of drum machines and sequencers. It would be killer feature

    This way it could be not just a looper but a powerful experimental music production center with no analogs in history & no limits for creativity. At the same time the machine will be still extremely easy to use, and keep its special sound quality which i like and appreciate. And i see there’s enough space on the panel for such features, so the box could keep the same portable size.

    Hey EHX, what do you think? Could it ever be done?


    how about tap-tempo and de-synchronized loops as well?



    2880 2:
    A better LIVE mix-down (option to simply clear out the 4 loops when mixdown is complete, or something that would prevent a second pass over dub/jump in volume.)
    Save multiple loop sets
    Independent loop lengths
    On/Off switch for Feedback control with sliders
    Mute channel buttons (accessible thru Midi, but I need buttons)

    Secondary ideas:
    A second set of assignable outs?
    Effects sends for loops
    Punch in on the foot controller
    Master volume knob (not sure this is necessary at all)

    Third tier ideas:
    A simple “one cable/no midi” way to sync multiple units
    Ships with bigger card (yeah the price goes up, but when someone is paying this much for a looper – they’re most certainly going to upgrade the card. Why pay twice for something just to have EHX keep the price point lower… when it kind of screws the end user)
    Savable presets for delay modes. Where it basically loads in a blank loop of saved size for use as delay. 2 sec, 4 sec, etc…


    I’d like something very powerful and compact. Give me three footswitches, and a hazarai knob to change the third footswitches function. And also another hazarai knob to change expression function.

    2880 is my very best friend, I’m mostly using it for electronic music producing, live sampling, soundscapes. Last night i came to some ideas about it, take a look:

    • 8 mono channels of audio

    • Independent OCTAVE UP & OCTAVE DOWN function for each channel (at the same time Master Octave should remain )

    • Independent REVERSE function for each channel (or even PLAY MODE button: play backward, play forward<->backward, one shot playback )

    • Individual outs for each channel

    • SCENES “<" & ">” buttons. By “Scenes” I mean the possibility to keep not only one loop in memory, but for example 8 of them, and the possibility to switch between them without stopping the playback. It’s like to have “patterns” or “sequences” in a world of drum machines and sequencers. It would be killer feature

    This way it could be not just a looper but a powerful experimental music production center with no analogs in history & no limits for creativity. At the same time the machine will be still extremely easy to use, and keep its special sound quality which i like and appreciate. And i see there’s enough space on the panel for such features, so the box could keep the same portable size.

    Hey EHX, what do you think? Could it ever be done?

    I like those thoughts, I really do…. but I think they’re a little too far fetched. Part of the appeal of the 2880 to me is that is so compact and straight forward. It has a very raw layout and feel to it. If you double the channels and add an individual out for them, and even add individual mods. per channel, that would be a hell’ov’a large unit. I’m not being sarchastic here but to consider the cost of an EHX unit like that, you’d be better off buying a laptop and running Ableton Live or something.

    The “Scenes” idea seems very cool and do’able. And I would like the option of individual outs per channel (w/ the existing 4) along with a L/R option. That would be very helpful to run each out into a switcher pedal for instant queing of each channel.


    interesting idea. what about midi synching 2 2880 loopers? is that possible? one is the master, the other is the slave? that would yield 8 tracks of looping goodness non? can someone tell me if this is possible? i would love it!!




    yes, it’s possible, but this way you will get another pedal controller on the board (to select tracks ), so it’s not exactly the same as one 8 track looper.. it’s also great to sync 28:80 with ableton live for some serious loop work..

    another idea i like is to use 28:80 as an effect on mixer send for spontaneous live sampling, looping, various effects. It’s also usefull in the studio


    id like a click track that isnt completely useless. haha. the moment i play anything i can barely hear it, even with the volume knob cranked. i certainly cant hear it if im running drums into it. hard clap sounds! not slight electrical tssss sounds..

    otherwise, im way into this thing.

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