Home Forums Help/Technical Questions NEO CLONE – Is it going to be Daisy Chainable? (Unlike the Nano Clone)

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  • #80449

    Very excited to try this pedal out. For me it ticks the boxes for being compact, true bypass, 9V with the power jack at the top and has the input output jacks on the sides. It fits my board perfectly so I have one question. Would it have it’s power setup just like the Nano Small Stone? ie like nearly every pedal ever made it can be daisy chained with Boss pedals and the like. Surely they wouldn’t release another pedal like the Nano Clone where the ground was positive? Hopefully they fired the team that thought it was ok to release that pedal like it was when it was really just lunacy.

    The EH Man

    Since it’s just a compact version of the original circuit, I’d say it should be good to go.


    Thanks :thumb:

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