Home Forums Ideas / Suggestions / Feedback Neo Chorus – Layout

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  • #80476

    Obviously I doubt this will change but I have some comments on it. Just ordered a Neo Clone. One thought occurred to me about the layout. The LED and switch are in different positions to the Nano Small Stone. I would have made them be the same. Also why call it Neo when it’s a Nano series. Better to call it a Nano Small Clone like the Nano Small Stone. All you have to do is drop the Nano Clone from the lineup to avoid confusion and because who would want one over a Nano Small Clone. Neo as in New, I get it, but it’s just not consistent. 2cents


    Actually, it looks like the switch and jacks are in the same place. It’s the graphic that’s been tweaked. The LED has indeed been repositioned, but I think the lack of uniformity is ultimately a moot point.

    The Neo Clone is more in line with other similar pedals as far as the LED is concerned. It’s the Nano Small Stone that’s “off”, so to speak.

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