Home Forums Help/Technical Questions need help troubleshooting … anyone have both an ehx hog and a vanamps sole-mate?

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    when i run an electro-harmonix hog into a vanamps solemate, i get a really loud reverberated noise frome the sole-mate that makes the combination unusable whenever the hog is switched on.

    it sounds like reverberated self-noise, but way louder than any noise the hog makes on its own. i made some videos here: http://db.tt/xlEPbEbf

    just wondering if someone else has both pedals and would share their experience in trying to use them together.

    i’m trying to figure out if there is a problem with either of the pedals or what…



    vanamps has been helpful troubleshooting this, but no diagnosis yet….

    in testing though, i realized that my hog has a hiss when engaged (even with all voices/sliders down). any other hog owners encounter this?


    wondering if this might help anyone with ideas of what is going on…

    i found that if i place a buffered pedal in between the hog, the loud noise is not present whether the hog is engaged or not.

    hog -> sole-mate reverb tank (noise whenever hog is engaged)
    hog -> any buffered pedal -> sole-mate reverb tank (no noise)

    knowing the buffer blocks/corrects the issue, does anybody have an idea of what could be causing the noise problem?

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