Home Forums The Lounge Need help identifying some cabs

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    From the other forum I hang out at:

    Alright, so a friend of mine was recently given two 2×15 cabs. According to him, some older fellow gave him both cabs and only said that they were “speakers from the 70s.” There is no distinguishable information whatsoever outside of the following logo and the model number “95161” (which returns nothing when Googled alongside any sort of musical terms).

    The logo might be something commonly known, in which case, I feel like an idiot, but with no words to go off of and having never seen it before, I’m stumped.
    Also, he is unsure of whether they are bass or guitar cabs. He said he tried both through them, and though one would assume them to be made for bass, he said that guitar sounded quite a bit better. Another tidbit of information was that apparently they are not supposed to be pushed past 70 watts. They are both made to run at 8 OHMs.

    If anyone could help me out with identifying these and possibly even valuing them, it’d be a huge help. My band’s other guitarist and I are considering purchasing them if it turns out to be worth it.



    and here’s the original thread, if you’re interested

    I suggested he adopt it as his band logo and then wait until someone sues him for use of their trademark to find out. then I felt bad for not actually helping, so I’m cross posting it here.
    Anyone have any ideas? Melx? Ron? Kevin? Bill?


    I’ve never seen anything like ’em. Maybe they’re from a PA system or something? They’re really cool looking regardless.

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