Home Forums Help/Technical Questions NANO SMALL STONE MAKING DISTORTION SOUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    I recently bought a nano small stone because my original small stone is begining to fall apart (ive had it for years!)!
    My original one sounded great i love it but seems to have had its day tho! definitely not able to gig with it any more! So i decided to give the nano smaal stone ago and i got to say i am very dissapointed with it! I dont know if ive got a dodgy one or if their is anyone encountering the same problems as me? Its just when i have the colour switch up and the rate set at 7-9 O’clock, as the the effect sweeps in and out i get a weird distortion sound for about half or whole second you would think there was no phaser on and that i had stuck on my big muff on during this time! Just to double check i tried both my original and nano out side by side, my original small stone does not do this! DOES ANYONE HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM OR HAVE I PURCHASED A DODGY ONE? If so can this problem be repaired? On another note i would like just clear i am not anti nano/xo series i am proud owner of the micro pog and nano holy grail!!!!!


    you definitely just got a dodgy one this time, i would return it for a new one. that is not normal.

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