Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Nano Double Muff question

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    Do the double muff and the nano double muff have exactly the same sound? I need to know if sound exactly, because i’d like to buy the nano one, becuase of its look rather than normal one.


    Allegedly not.
    When I was to get my DM I read a lot around this forum and at some thread someone said they do not sound exactly the same. Dig a bit around… I can’t remember how different that person said they were though.


    I was considering buy the nano one, but if doesnt sound as good as the normal one, i won’t…


    I’ve got both the nano and big box versions, actually. The ‘single’ setting on the double muff is basically my favourite overdrive sound. Having tried them both side-by-side I’ll admit that I can hear a difference between them, but it’s fairly minimal. I don’t think one sounds better than the other, to be honest, just subtly different. If I didn’t playing them side I probably wouldn’t have noticed any difference at all.


    This is a good answer dude, I’ve read a lot about it, but I didn’t noticed nothing about why some people uses the nano one and other people uses the big one.

    This is a good answer dude, I’ve read a lot about it, but I didn’t noticed nothing about why some people uses the nano one and other people uses the big one.

    The nano double muff is smaller and can be powered by a normal Boss-style adaptor. That makes it handier for pedalboards than the larger version. The big box version just looks a lot cooler than the nano. Also, I think the larger version is more suitable for modding; many people like to replace that sliding switch for the ‘single/double’ settings with a footswitch. Which one you want really depends on your own requirements.


    i thought in aesthetics and sound, I like small pedals.

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