Home Forums Review Your EHX Gear Nano Clone

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    I haven’t seen a review here yet. The reviews elsewhere online are pretty negative and I wonder what seasoned EHX user think. I love the Nano series size, it’s perfect for me since I don’t like to have more than a couple knobs to tweek. Anyways, you thought?


    I tried it and found it not to be as nice as the small clone….it was noisey and imo the sound wasn’t as ‘lush’ sounding…. it’s also lacking the depth switch of the small clone, so unfortunatly it gets the thumbs down from me. ….. but reallt the small stone isn’t that big anyway and it’s one of my favorite chorus sounds ever.


    I can’t stand the nano clone. Its reverse polarity, so it can’t be daisychained unless its isolated. It has a volume drop and loses bass when switched on. Also noisey and no where near “lush” as any other chorus.

    Otherwise, I love EHX


    wow…..this scares me a bit….I hope that most of the nano pedals do not fall victeam to any probs like the ones mentioned….I love EH and want every one to be able to have as much coolness as me..


    for me the nano clone is the only one that falls as a nano pedal. My nano muff was sex.


    I just got a nano clone and a nano stone. The nano stone is awesome, it’s simple but it sounds so freakin’ good. The nano clone went back to the store the same day and was traded for a small clone. Don’t buy the nano clone, it does NOT have the small clone sound.

    I just got a nano clone and a nano stone. The nano stone is awesome, it’s simple but it sounds so freakin’ good. The nano clone went back to the store the same day and was traded for a small clone. Don’t buy the nano clone, it does NOT have the small clone sound.

    I agree it doesn’t…

    … I really wish EHX had gone a different way with these pedals because it seems confusing to me (and must be to everyone I’d imagine)

    … the ‘Diecast’ version of the Small Stone is just that, a smaller rehoused small stone with the color switch and a very similar sound to the original ….. just like the other diecast re-issues.

    where as the ‘Nano Clone’ isn’t a diecast version of the Small Clone, it’s a different pedal… cheaper, different sounding and it lacks the depth switch of the Small Clone. Currently there is no diecast version of the Small Clone, I have no idea why as the Small clone is one of EHX’s most popular pedals and one of the most popular chorus pedals ever made.

    ….it’s very odd if you ask me, especially as EHX are clearly moving towards ‘all diecast’ for the future….. I can’t imagine the Small Clone not featuring in that line up, so where is it? :freak:


    i love ehx but the nano clone sucks

    I can’t stand the nano clone. Its reverse polarity, so it can’t be daisychained unless its isolated.

    Oh dear that just cracks me up and has me shaking my head in disbelief at the same time. Why would they do that?


    i agree that the nano clone is not as lush and really lacks from not having the depth switch.

    i did notice that the nano has 1 more trim pot than the small clone, does anyone know its use, maybe it can improve the sound? (maybe it controls depth?)


    you couldn’t use an inverting adapter for a nano clone (one that makes yamaha style keyboards useable via 1spots?)

    you couldn’t use an inverting adapter for a nano clone (one that makes yamaha style keyboards useable via 1spots?)

    If I may chime in having had experience with +V ground pedals like the red colored Fuzz Face I tried to hook up to a Boss Chorus many years ago. The problem isn’t the polarity of the connection to the power. In fact I see the Nano Clone take a standard Boss style -ve centre 9V adapter. The problem is not the power connection but the fact the ground is +ve on this pedal (which is what the post about reverse polarity is refering to.)


    Takeing my board I have a Voodoo Lab Micro Vibe, an EHX Octave Multiplexer (current XO version) and a an Ehx Memory Toy (my newsest baby, born to the pedal board just yesterday). I have what is called a daisy chain, a power lead with one jack to connect to a 9Vdc adpater, and then having various plugs to connect to pedals. I connect the pedals with patch leads, and then I connect the power daisy chain. In all those pedals the connection to power is -ve centre 9Vdc. The signal ground which is the sleeve of the 6.35mm input and output jacks is connected to that same -ve centre. That is known as a negative ground.

    On a red Fuzz Face the ground connection of the input and output jack sleeves is actually connected to the +9V battery terminal. This is known as a +ve ground. It turns out from reading this thread that the Nano Clone chorus pedal also has a +ve ground setup, but takes the regular -ve centre power plug.

    Ok are you with me so far? +((-)) is the power connection, the ground is connected to the +ve of that power connection.

    In this case if you connect my pedals and a nano clone with patch leads and the daisy chain power lead, you end up with the +ve power connection of the power connected to the -ve power connection at the input and output jacks of the Nano Clone. The adjacent pedals have their jacks connected to -ve ground. That -ve ground meets a +ve ground at the jack of the Nano Clone. Right there is your problem, +ve connected to -ve of the power supply. This is called a short circuit. It’s not going to work.

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