Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Nano Chorus distorting?

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    Hey, on Thursday night I picked up a new Nano Chorus. I really loved the sound of it. For some reason, when I turned it on this morning, it had a bit of distortion. It was almost like a chorus fuzz. Now, I like this tone too, but I’m wondering what happened to the nice clear chorus? It’s weird. Since I just got it, I’ll probably send it into EHX for a replacement or something if this “chorus fuzz” persists. Anyone know what’s up with it? I dunno if this is possible though.

    My setup is a Fender Bullet into a Peavey Delta Blues.


    Maybe the battery is dying

    Maybe the battery is dying

    Jeez! Why didn’t I think of that! That was exactly what the problem was. Thanks!

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