Home Forums Help/Technical Questions mycrosynth stopped following the filter envelope

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    Hi. I’m using a new bass microsynth with my guitar, i got it for about 1 year.
    Now something went wrong, I don’t know if maybe the power went away for a second in the soundcheck or something like that, but something strange broke in the synth.
    It seems to work properly with the one exception, that the filter won’t follow the envelope curve anymore, it just stays on the start frequency. Everything else is working perfectly as before, the attack swell, the four voices, the resonance, sensitivity, the bypass switch, all perfect, but why doesn’t it do the filter movement anymore??? Sounds like some internal bug that won’t be fixed that easy???

    By the way: is the new small design of the microsynth still analog, or is it now a digital simulation of the older large microsynth models?

    Thanks for any help!



    I think the new microsynth is still analog.

    Did you try adjusting the preamp gain trimpot? That could have slipped out of alignment.

    If that doesn’t do it, I’d suggest contacting EHX about getting it repaired.

    You can find out how to here:


    Make sure to e-mail them first and get an RA number.


    where do i find the trim in the new microsynth model? do i have to open it up?
    i used to have an old microsynth where it was on the bottom side and you could turn it with a screwdriver, but i didn’t see anything like that on the new nano model…

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