Home Forums Ideas / Suggestions / Feedback My plea to EHX…

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    hmmmmm, maybe an XO big muff pi would be a called the “Small Muff Pi”.

    It would go along with the small stone and small clone name.
    Just kidding though. the big muff pi has to be in a big case or it won’t be one.

    I would like the XO pedals with the input jacks on the top. it would be so much better because the pedals would be small and you could put them right up against each other so you save space on your pedalboard. Anyone agree?

    Ned Flanders

    I prefer side jacks on small pedals.


    Rubbish to ye all. A Big Muff by any other enclosure would sound as sweet.

    Rubbish to ye all. A Big Muff by any other enclosure would sound as sweet.

    We’re not just talking about tone here (although the big pedals sound better to my ears). The mojo! Think about the fucking mojo!


    OK, so here’s the solution I propose solution: EHX makes XO enclosures that are small and practical, and then the people who feel the need for a larger pedal can put their Muffs in old refrigerator boxes, and paint “Colossal Muff Pi” on it. Problem solved.

    OK, so here’s the solution I propose solution: EHX makes XO enclosures that are small and practical, and then the people who feel the need for a larger pedal can put their Muffs in old refrigerator boxes, and paint “Colossal Muff Pi” on it. Problem solved.


    Dr. Matt

    What i think EHX should do is supply little adaptors that you connect to the end of a barrel style plug which goes to the classic style mini-jack plug so you can use a regular power supply with the pedal without any extra hassle.

    Ibanez do this with their classic pedal reissues such as the TS-808.

    They should also keep the old style chassis version of every pedal they convert to XO in production to allow people to choose which to go for, provided this is feasable.

    They should also keep the old style chassis version of every pedal they convert to XO in production to allow people to choose which to go for, provided this is feasable.

    lol, nice idea but that’s never gonna happen. Loads of them they had stopped making way before the xo’s came out anyway….LPB-1, Muff Fuzz, Soul Preacher, Clone Theory, Polyphase….if they hadn’t started the diecast ranges these pedals would probably never have been reissued at all…let alone being remade in the original chassis.

    ….but then again, I never thought I’d ever see Mario and Sonic in the same game!!


    Hi! i just found this forum, i have been toiling over this same issue for a while, and this is the place to talk about it. There is still room for the classic chassis with a bigger price tag, i feel. look at all the boutique pedals out there. I too really like the aesthetics and size of the classic box (being a keyboard player, and needing them at arm’s reach) but it goes beyond fashion and the gratifying size of the knobs with every tweak, they reissued all these rad “vintage” pedals versions only in the tiny format, while they should have offered bigger, real, counterparts , just like they’ve always done. My real issue on top of all this is the size of those $4 diecast boxes would suggest the use of (more) surface mount devices instead of IC’s and discreet components, keeping me further away from getting an equinox mod done to a small stone. ( not like i could do it to one of the reissued classic’s anyway), It’s ironic, The use of smaller pcb’s w/ more SSD’s could have led to a new line of EHX modular effects w/ complete CV control ( cream dream! ) It would be effective for them to make , no power supply, a board hanging off a rectangle piece of silk screened metal. aghhh!! please heed my call! It would be nice to have the option to mod any of the new pedals coming out, just about all of the old pedals can be modded in some way, but this makes that hope go out like a fart in the dark.


    i didn’t mean for the previous post to be taken the wrong way, i’m frustrated, most of my pedals are E-H, AND i’m glad they made smaller, cheaper pedals for the masses, but for every 5 of them, there’s one of me who’s got Moog’s , modulars, and other analog boards , and i didn’t come this far to “get the smaller one”. Steel costs alot more now. i’d be willing to pay $100 – $150 more for some of the new nano’s in the classic format. my head is reeling over the new stereo polyphase, clone theory , and that new voice box! i remember a time in the not-so- distant past before the boutique’s popped up everywhere, EH was where you went to spend some dough on a bad ass analog pedal. and it still is. i feel like i’m sounding snooty with all this. i just , like, the,.. old style. for reference, i make 10 lousy bux an hour, but i’m patient and really enjoy playing with frequencies on inspiring equipment…..

    i didn’t mean for the previous post to be taken the wrong way, i’m frustrated, most of my pedals are E-H, AND i’m glad they made smaller, cheaper pedals for the masses, but for every 5 of them, there’s one of me who’s got Moog’s , modulars, and other analog boards , and i didn’t come this far to “get the smaller one”. Steel costs alot more now. i’d be willing to pay $100 – $150 more for some of the new nano’s in the classic format. my head is reeling over the new stereo polyphase, clone theory , and that new voice box! i remember a time in the not-so- distant past before the boutique’s popped up everywhere, EH was where you went to spend some dough on a bad ass analog pedal. and it still is. i feel like i’m sounding snooty with all this. i just , like, the,.. old style. for reference, i make 10 lousy bux an hour, but i’m patient and really enjoy playing with frequencies on inspiring equipment…..

    I couldn’t agree more. Don’t worry, you didn’t sound snooty at all. Hopefully an EHX employee will read this and try to make this chasnge.

    What i think EHX should do is supply little adaptors that you connect to the end of a barrel style plug which goes to the classic style mini-jack plug so you can use a regular power supply with the pedal without any extra hassle.

    Ibanez do this with their classic pedal reissues such as the TS-808.

    They should also keep the old style chassis version of every pedal they convert to XO in production to allow people to choose which to go for, provided this is feasable.

    Visual Sound makes those adaptors. Io think they sell for about $2. I like the idea of keeping the classic chassis too, but I think that it would be to expensive for EHX to do this. What EHX should do is have an online poll for each effect, to determine if the people would rather have the XO or classic.


    nah, it’s cool….there’s a lot of folk on here that are passionate about the big old boxes too.

    I guess at the end of the day ehx is a buisness and they do whatever is best for the company. I certainly wouldn’t want to see a return to the days where you couldn’t buy new ehx pedals, over the last 10 years EHX has really grown as a pedal company in a time when there is more competition than ever. I guess the bottom line is that most people aren’t prepared to pay $100-$150 more….or simply can’t.

    EHX need to compete with the other big pedal manufactueres like MXR, Boss etc….and to be honest I think they are more than doing that at the moment. For years people have be telling EHX to make their pedals in smaller cases, with barrel type power inputs and I think if they hadn’t they might not be in the position they are now….and pedals like the Hazarai and Voice Box may not even exist.

    I don’t work for EHX by the way, this is all just my opinion/speculation/thoughts!


    I seem to be in the minority of people who prefer function over form when it comes to small boxes that aren’t often very visible, but are often stepped upon.


    those are some great points, thank you guys for this forum , this is very therapeutic for me. *hyperventilates into paper bag * Although, these being premium analog pedals priced to compete with the sterile, boring japanese clones , you could hardly call that competition! *he he* Anyone parting with their cash can see and hear the difference right away. Thanks and Happy tweaking!!!

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