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    Being a player of a mere 3 years, I have only discovered the wonderful world of Electro Harmonix about 2 years ago. I immediately fell in love with the vintage styling and tone, something that is becoming less and less common these days. I’ve noticed that many of EHX classics are becoming available only in the XO chassis. While these are not bad pedals at all, I much prefer the classic style cases. I only have 2 classic EHX pedals, a Big Muff Pi and a Small Stone, there are still a few that I would like to get, but I am worried that they will be replaced with the XO or nano counterpart. PLEASE don’t discontinue the classic styled Big Muff, Small Stone and Clone, Electtric Mistress, or Memory Man. I feel that EHX looses some of its mojo when in the XO form; the big cases with positive tip input jacks are not bad things that need to be gotten rid of, they are an important part of history that must be embraced and cherished, because pedals with such features are a dieing breed. I can’t possibly be the only one who prefers the classic to the XO, so hopefully I don’t get too much hate thrown my way. Thank you to any of you who took the time to read, if you have any thoughts on this matter, I’d like to hear them.


    There are lots of people who agree with you, and a lot of them are EHX ‘enthusiasts’ who are on this forum, unfortunatly in the wider world of (we’ll call them ‘general musicians’) people have been crying our for ehx to make their pedals in smaller diecast cases with ‘boss’ type power inputs and by doing so electro harmonix are doing what many people have wanted for a long time.

    I’m afraid it’s a no win situation for electro harmonix, you can’t please everyone at the same time and I don’t think it’s possible for them to make both versions of anything in the long term, I really love the old boxes but I also love the xo’s for different reasons, the bottom line is most people don’t care what effects look like or even consider ‘mojo’, they just want it as small as possible, robust and easy to power/use. (the reason Boss sell millions of pedals)

    It’s sucks having a minority opinion sometimes, but unfortunatly if you are anything like me you probably find yourself in that position alot through life!!!

    ok, lets try and get a positive out of this!! Firstly, pedals have been reissued that I doubt would have ever been if it wasn’t for the xo series. The LPB-1, the soul preacher, the clone theory, these were all dead and buried a long time ago….thanks to the XO’s they got a new lease of life.

    Secondly things like the worm and the pulsar have been improved (stereo outpts on the pulsar, expression input on the worm) …so it isn’t all bad.

    My advice would be learn to love both, collect old vintage units for their beauty and new units for the features and practicality.


    the worm has an expression pedal input?!?!??!?


    no jokes.

    maybe someday EHX will release a ‘classic series’ ;)


    I’m a big EHX fan, but I’ve never been very attached to the oft-unnecessarily large case. I think the XO pedals are a great improvement.


    I like the XO version more too. Of course, the Big Muff should be big, no problems, but other pedals look nicer imo and of course, the Boss-styled power adapter is a huge plus, for me at least.


    I like how the XO pedals are smaller, but i also like how the non XO pedals have the input jacks on the top instead of on the side. But sice the XO’s are smaller, i can live with the jacks being on the side.


    I understand and respect why EHX need to capture the larger market of pedal buyers who prefer compact pedals that use negative tip power supplies and batteries; though like you, I also prefer the large bent steel enclosures. The XO diecast enclosures don’t excite me either. We’re vintage enthusiasts, and that market is pretty narrow.

    However, I consider the Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai and the Germanium OD to be classic pedals regardless of their format. Someday, those will likely be sought after by vintage enthusiasts of the future.


    From an aesthetic standpoint, I like the big boxes better. But from a utilitarian standpoint, I’m all about the XOs.

    From an aesthetic standpoint, I like the big boxes better. But from a utilitarian standpoint, I’m all about the XOs.

    that’s pretty much how I feel neatly wrapped up in a couple of sentances.


    Size has never really been an issue with me, because I usually will only have about 5-6 pedals on my board at once. EHX could make the XO series even more compact with top jacks, something I find to be a better design when using patch cables with rather cumbersome plugs, because about an inch of space is lost between pedals. Perhaps EHX could do a limited reissue of a classic pedal in the original inclousure, maybe a run of about 1000 pedals each.

    Ned Flanders

    I don’t think EHX has any plans to discontinue the classic big muff, small clone, small stone or DMM.

    I don’t think EHX has any plans to discontinue the classic big muff, small clone, small stone or DMM.

    For the time being I’d agree, I guess it depends on how the big box versions sell compaired to the xo’s over the next couple of years, I’m still suprised there isn’t a proper nano small clone….that’s one of the reasons I can’t see then discontinuing the Small Clone just yet. as for the others I can see the small stone maybe going in a year or so if the nano sales are much bigger. The XO DMM is waiting in the wings ready to pounce as far as I’m concerned and the Big Muff I think will always be made, hopefully anyway…although how many more new units they will sell with the Tone Wicker and LBM out now is unknown for the time being.

    but yeah, I don’t think there are any plans right now, but I can see those plans changing in a year or so maybe depending on what sales are like.

    Ned Flanders

    For them to discontinue the classic big muff would be a sales mistake IMO because its their flagship pedal, most peoples first EHX pedal and because of this i think they’ll keep it around forever even if xo sales overpower it.
    Personally, I hate small pedals and EHX big pedals are always my go to pedals, That’s why I like some vintage EHX stuff cause its big.


    I agree with that, a ‘Big’ Muff has to be big doesn’t it? :D

    Ned Flanders

    Yep otherwise its not a real big muff IMO, the LBM and BMTW are exceptions because they are different from a stock Big Muff.
    Keep big Muffs BIG EHX!

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