Home Forums Help/Technical Questions MXR iso-brick fried my brand new Pitch Fork+

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    Was looking forward to jamming with my new pitch fork+, was really looking forward to this thing since it was announced.

    I’ve been using one of these things to power my board last 4 years or so. Plugged the pitch fork+ into the one power output not being used, the 6-15v variable one, set at 9.5v. Turned everything on, and got up to do something else for a few minutes. From the corner of my eye I saw the display turn on.

    Sat back down, pitch fork+ was completely dark. Did the standard things, wiggled the power cable, swapped it. Then out of a hunch I probed the iso-brick output I was using with my multimeter. The variable 6-15v output set at 9.5v had been pumping 18-19v into the pitch fork+.


    Turning the trimpot doesn’t change the output voltage either. 18v all the way through. Thanks, mxr. Never using this product again in fear of it randomly frying another expensive pedal. Into the dumpster it goes.

    I guess my question is, warrantee-wise, how screwed am I? I know the store I got it from won’t take it back, seeing how it was working when I got it and it died “by my hands”. And I’m pretty certain MXR won’t cover me. Do I have a chance to have it fixed if I contact EHX? I’ll pay for the repairs.

    If not, guess the only thing I can do is tear it open and poke around. I’m fairly comfortable with electronics, and if it’s just the regulator and a couple caps that are fried I’m pretty sure I can replace those. But if it’s the big DSP/FPGA that’s fried, then forget it. Guess all that’ll be left is scrapping it for parts.

    I’m especially upset because I didn’t even get a chance to properly play this thing yet.

    The EH Man

    Wouldn’t hurt to check with EHX. They may fix it for you.


    Easy fix.
    Please write the service techs on Monday at


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