Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Muff Fuzz Crying Tone mod question- Signal dies with heel back…??

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    Another curly one for the more technically inclined.I have just acquired a Muff Fuzz CT wah,which has an alarming dip in the wah volume & sound at anything below – Treadle @full forward. Wondered if anyone had seen fit to mod their MF CT wah? I have also managed to get a loan of the pedal that I used to own,to make a direct comparison. It also has the same loss of volume and poor clarity at heel-back with the wah on.Not as severe as the one I just bought,but bad enough to remind me why I sold my old one. I suspect that a cap has died,or that the pot may be the wrong taper,or both…? I have an ICAR pot sitting here doing nothing.I just wondered if anyone had performed any voicing resistor mods to their Muff Fuzz wah? Care to enlighten those of us still groping around in the dark(ages)? Seems odd that both of these would sound so similar… they’re even different circuit numbers!

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