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  • #112352

    “Rock Action” or “EP+6”

    Electro-Melx, I listened to ‘The Hawk is Howling’. I forget the name of my fav track.. Something about the Sun. Gotta get some more.. Any recommendations?


    “Happy Songs for Happy People” and “Mr Beast” are probably the two I listen to most. ‘Rock Action’ is great too as are all of them really… I’m not a massive fan of the first two albums although my mate thinks they are the best.

    Mogwai Young Team (1997)
    Come on Die Young (1999)
    Rock Action (2001)
    Happy Songs for Happy People (2003)
    Mr Beast (2006)
    The Hawk Is Howling (2008)


    Hi Folks! Having eventually bitten the proverbial bullet and started listing items on ebay I’ve eventually listed my Mogwai Big Muff as well. You may recall back in May 2010 I suggested that I might sell it and ended up taking photos of the insides so that it might be determined one way or the other that it is other than a standard Big Muff.

    I see that at least one other Mogwai box sold on ebay a matter of days ago. My listing is: 220694554036. Just go to the ebay site and paste the number into the Search box.

    Although I’m hoping to sell the box to someone in the UK, I will post it abroad, packaged as securely as I can to prevent any damage in transit. It remains to be seen whether anyone else does actually want one. I’m not messing about with 99p start prices. It just wastes everybody’s time. Curiously, perhaps for no other reason than it is the only prize I have ever won in a competition, I will be sad to see it go. I’ve had it a long time. Anyway, over to you now. Thanks for reading. Regards, Rick

    There’s one on ebay right now, so we should find out the answer to ‘what’s it worth’ soon. :)


    I might have a bid myself, but I suspect it will go way over what I want to pay.

    Such a very amazing link!
    Thanks you for the post.

    Watch Online Movies


    i kinda wish i had one of those muffs….

    slightly off topic, not really idk but i’m listening to Happy Songs for Happy People right now. (i found an awesome promo copy or whatever theyre called in a record store for like a dollar :D )

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