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  • #77366
    Kevin Demuth

    i’ve never seen one of these before… i didn’t even know they existed; there’s one on Ebay UK at the moment (it’s not mine by the way!). just thought i’d share. :thumb:




    Awesome that one has turned up on ebay

    Not sure how much it will go up to.

    Ned Flanders

    I’d like to see the schematic for this, just to see how much it differs from the 2000 model NYC.

    I’d like to see the schematic for this, just to see how much it differs from the 2000 model NYC.

    I thought it was identical?

    ah, I just read the auction…I wonder if that is just BS?


    these ones are supposed to be more fuzzy than the normal muffs

    Ned Flanders
    I’d like to see the schematic for this, just to see how much it differs from the 2000 model NYC.

    I thought it was identical?

    ah, I just read the auction…I wonder if that is just BS?

    I heard it was different…maybe scott will know?

    I’d like to see the schematic for this, just to see how much it differs from the 2000 model NYC.

    I thought it was identical?

    ah, I just read the auction…I wonder if that is just BS?

    I heard it was different…maybe scott will know?

    there was only 100 made for the promotion so I wouldn’t have thought they would make a whole different circuit…maybe they just had some different transistors or something?

    yeah, hopefully someone from EHX will know,…..I wouldn’t mind the whole story, how it came about etc? did mogwai ask? or whatever…

    Ned Flanders

    It wouldn’t surprise me if it was BS because we all know how much BS stories there are in the music world and about gear. But I also wouldn’t be surprised by EH changing a few things for a hundred pedals either.



    (if you haven’t already, y’all should page through the EHX blog — https://www.ehx.com/blog — I think you’ll find some fun stuff there.)

    I don’t know all the particulars of the Mogwai Pi, but my first guess is that it must have been a stock Muff with a custom screen (but I’m also happy to be corrected…).


    oh christ. i cant believe i didnt see this earlier. ::slams head against computer::
    ive literally been looking for one of these for years and years. its my #1 holy grail. ive had NO luck.


    someone sell me one. that one sold for $400, ill make a $500 offer.


    (if you haven’t already, y’all should page through the EHX blog — https://www.ehx.com/blog — I think you’ll find some fun stuff there.)

    I don’t know all the particulars of the Mogwai Pi, but my first guess is that it must have been a stock Muff with a custom screen (but I’m also happy to be corrected…).

    Well I read that that muff was designed for the band mogwai and they needed a more intense muff so ehx made a limited run of those.


    I own a Mogwai Big Muff and it does sound more punchy than any other Big Muff ive played through,
    To me it has a little more of everything like fuzz etc,i had the good fortune to record an album with
    Jack Endino who produced Mudhoneys-superfuzzbigmuff album and he owned a couple of really vintage ones
    and id say the Mogwai version was better in terms of ohmmmph/power it just cuts through more….thats my opinion anyways,
    Im too embarrassed to say how much i paid for the Mogwai Muff but i could have bought several standard ones for the price (i was probably robbed) but what the heck:)

    Ned Flanders

    If you wanna find out if its different, take the knobs of,unscrew the pots and switch flip the PCB and take a good pic of it then we can tell you if its just a stock muff or not.

    If you wanna find out if its different, take the knobs of,unscrew the pots and switch flip the PCB and take a good pic of it then we can tell you if its just a stock muff or not.

    please do this, we need to know!!


    hey there ok ill get you some pics of the inerds so to speak lol its currently with my guitar guru fixer guy as the switch has got some issues,it seems it needs replacing the moment i get it back ill take some photos and send them your way,ive had it open myself when the switch problem first occured but i wouldnt know myself if theres any secret inside or if the difference is my imagination,i can hand on heart say to me it sounds different not like a different pedal completely its the big muff sound pushed just a little harder…..i will be picking it up this week so ill get you photos asap and maybe you can shed some light on the mystery of the mogwai muff :) the reason i found this thread was due to my switch issue i was hoping someone had some ideas as to how to fix it but my repair guy says it is simply the switch….me hopes,

    nice to hear from you,speak soon,


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