Home Forums Vintage EHX Modding a v1 Small Stone… okay to do?

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    This thread has reached its conclusion, but I’ll post my .02 anyways.

    In the past, I’ve modded a few vintage or older pedals for true bypass. Like Liberty Belle, I purchased them to keep and to be used, so I wanted them to be functional for me, not ornaments for collection.

    Since then, I’ve purchased a Carl Martin Octaswitch so I can bypass them in loops, like devnulljp mentioned, and not have to bother with true bypass mods anymore. I think this is probably the most convenient route to take with vintage gear if you…

    1) have the $ to spend on a bypass system,
    2) have no issues with taking up pedalboard real estate,
    3) want to avoid modding vintage pedals,
    4) want to avoid unnecessarily long signal paths between your guitar and amp.

    But I have no qualms with modding vintage pedals if it’s my only option for making it functional for me to use.

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