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    I have recently purchased a Mod Rex. I use a Morningstar MC6 MKII to control it over Midi.

    I can successfully change presets over midi.

    Attempting to set the Tempo by sending Midi Clock does not work though. The Mod Rex seems to ignore Midi Clock. I can successfully control devices from Source Audio, Meris, Boss and Chase Bliss with Midi Clock so there does not seem to be any problem with the MC6. I have tried eliminating any devices in between the MC6 and the Mod Rex, connecting Midi out from the MC6 directly to Midi in on the Mod Rex, but still nothing happens.

    Do you have some suggestions for how to proceed?



    EHX Info

    Hello, sorry for this issue. Are you finding the Mod Rex is completely ignoring MIDI Clock messages? Or is it acting strangely, such as weirdly resetting it’s LFOs upon sending it any MIDI Clock? Have you tried, as a test, sending MIDI Clock from some other source (such as a DAW) to the Mod Rex?


    Yesterday it was completely ignoring MIDI Clock. Today it works sporadically when directly connected to the MC6, sometimes initially syncing but then sometimes ignoring any changes in the tempo. And still completely ignoring MIDI Clock if there are any other devices between them.

    EHX Info
    Yesterday it was completely ignoring MIDI Clock. Today it works sporadically when directly connected to the MC6, sometimes initially syncing but then sometimes ignoring any changes in the tempo. And still completely ignoring MIDI Clock if there are any other devices between them.

    Have you had a chance to test the Mod Rex with a different device being the master MIDI clock? Trying to see if there’s a problem with your Mod Rex’s MIDI Clock in general, or if there is some weird mis-match between it and that specific device (the MC6) that is leading to it not work right.


    For what it’s worth, I’m having similar problems with my Mod Rex. I use a Disaster Area Designs SmartClock to sync my MIDI gear, as well as those effects that have an external tap input. The SmartClock controls the Mod Rex perfectly via the external tap, but MIDI is very hit and miss. Sometimes it works fine, other times not at all. Sometimes it works fine for a while, then stops responding to changes in tempo. I don’t seem to have any problems controlling other MIDI devices with the SmartClock, or conrolling the Mod Rex with other MIDI devices.

    Before posting this, I did three quick test runs with the SmartClock connecting to the Mod Rex via MIDI:

    Powered everything up; SmartClock displays 120 bpm (its default setting); tap very fast on the Smart Clock’s footswitch, Mod Rex resets tempo to match; tap very slowly, Mod Rex doesn’t change at all; repeat with different tempos, Mod Rex doesn’t change.

    Power off.

    Power everything back up; SmartClock defaults to 120; tap very fast, Mod Rex doesn’t change; repeat a few times with different tempos, Mod Rex doesn’t change at all.

    Power off.

    Power everything up again; SmartClock defaults to 120; tap very fast, Mod Rex resets tempo to match; tap very slowly, Mod Rex resets to match; repeat several times with a variety of different tempos, Mod Rex resets to match every time. I quit while I was ahead.

    This isn’t really a show stopper, as I can simply use the eternal tap input instead of MIDI, but I’m curious as to why MIDI seems so hit and miss.

    EHX Info

    Hello, there is actually now a software update that greatly improves the performance and reliability of the MIDI clock in the Mod Rex, along with fixing/updating a handful of other aspects of the pedal. Unfortunately, the only way to apply the software update is to send the unit to us, but if you are interested in doing that, email info@ehx.com and say you want to send in your Mod Rex for a software update, and tell them to have it brought to Manny. Thanks!


    Thanks for the reply.

    I would have bought the Mod Rex anyway, even if it had just the external tap input and no MIDI. Still, it might make sense to get the whole shebang updated, although I’ll probably wait until after the holiday season.


    Got my Mod Rex back yesterday after the software update. Seems to sync perfectly to MIDI every time now. Thanks for the tip!


    Please, help. Same problem mentioned above. I live in Spain, what can I do?

    Help me, please.

    Rafael Perez


    Please write the techs at



    Unfortunately got no answer from the technical team after several messages. Really sad after purchasing a new MOD REX.

    I cannot understand this situation. I expected no need for firmware update if the pedal is new. I cannot send it to UK for (?) repair.

    The midi clock sync does not work properly and, yesterday, I took the MOD REX back to my shop to get my money back. I ordered a BOSS MD 500, it gives me more confidence.

    I really advice not to buy any EHX devices if they have to work with midi, at least this model.

    Sorry for this comment, but I made a bad choice with MOD REX.


    Please check your spam folder.
    Everyone gets answered!
    I will also pass this on to techs.


    Checked all folders. No answer.

    Anyway, thank you for your effort.

    I turned back my MOD REX to the shop and just received my new Boss MD 500, so it is useless now.

    Sorry, bad experience with EHX. I am going back to Roland/Boss products. They are not so cheap but never had such problems at all.

    Please, tell your dealers this product needs an update before selling them to users.

    Happy new year.



    Hello, has anyone had success fixing this issue? I emailed EHX and they wanted to charge me $25 to fix the problem because the pedal is out of the 1 year warranty. But it looks like this is a firmware issue that exists with all Mod Rexes that don’t have the latest firmware. Doesn’t seem right that they want me to pay money for a software update (no labor involved!) that fixes a problem with the pedal that they know about and likely existed before it was even sold.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by dmoreholt.
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