Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Mimicking tape loop echo

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    In the Mesa Boogie website demo videos, while demoing his Mesa rig Andy Timmons explains how he likes to mimic an old tape loop echo by chaining two Memory Mans together. He sets one on 350ms and the other on 500ms. Plus he said something about adding a touch of chorus to the repeat which he thinks sounds a little like tape wow and flutter.

    Could I achieve as good an effect by chaining two Memory Toys together?


    i dont see why not?


    I guess I’m late to the discussion.

    The problem that you will have (may have already encountered) is that Andy Timmons has his two chained together in parallel.

    Pardon the cryptic flow-chart. To run dual delays like Timmons…

    ……………………. delay 1 dry out—> delay 2 in– delay 2 effect out –>return -]

    Then you have to mix the two separately effected signals to go into the return of your effects loop.

    Timmons is using a GCX (mixer/router), so it isn’t a big deal for him. If you’re just wanting to use a few pedals… it’s a different story.


    I should add that I would LOVE to see EHX come out with a Memory Memory Man to do this. :rawk:

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