Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Midi Syncing (daisy chaining) a PAIR of 2880 Loopers


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    This should be a no brainer question and my instinct is…. it would work, but I have (2) 2880 loopers, but set up in two locations (office / home studio). I’m getting curious about utilizing both: 1 for guitars (panned to multiple amps and the other for bass and percussion…. but all synced of course. Could I simply midi sync them together, one as the slave and one as the master and get them locked in together?

    I searched for reference to anyone doing this and couldn’t find anything. It wouldn’t be convenient for me to break down my set-up at the office to bring it and try… so alas, sorry for the convenience of consultation first. If so, I’ll try in and let y’all know how it works out….


    lucky you, to not only have two but to be using one at your office. I barely get to use the internet at my office.

    Yes, you can daisy chain them together. You can even set them to the same midi channel so you can send the same cc messages. You could also chain them in parallel so their loops are non-aligning but they’re both quantized to the same midi clock.

    In any case, the second looper would need to be in external clock mode (the first would need to if you’re syncing to an outside midiclock source) and you’d likely want the quantize button on the second pressed as well.


    Hi guys!
    This is Emanuele from Venice. I am quite surprised to find out that this post is pretty much the only one related to this issue in the whole www!
    I have been going crazy over this: sitting with a pair of 2880 in front of me.
    I have been owning one for 4 years now and have been dreaming to sync 2 of them in order to allow bigger loops quantized over shorter ones created by a separate, dedicated 2880.

    No way to make this work.
    Is there anyone who can really help over here? Hopefully from EH crew.
    I am just hooking them up midi out to midi in > ext sync and quantize on for the slave one
    no matter the timing involved, the second 2880 will NEVER start in sync with the beginning of the master loop.

    WHAT IT DOES INSTEAD is syncing to the CLIX signal of the first 2880, NOT to the actual free loop recorded in real time, with no fixed grid.

    I would just want my loop to trigger at the same time even the second 2880.
    I have been trying with quantize on and off….was thinking about uploading a video for anyone else who’ll ever think about this in the future.

    Has anyone succeeded in testing this and having it working being not synced to the CLIX but to the actual loop?

    Thank you anyone out there, this would be some real real useful information.


    Wow, I would have never thought we were the only 2 ones in the world trying to sort this out!


    Hey you two, I posted about this for the 45000 looper also, and got no replies. I even tried calling EHX and got no returned phone call. I know they’re busy making sweet gear so I forgive them. But, yeah, would be nice to get an official answer from someone with EHX insider info.

    Freshchops did you get it to work?

    Cryabetes, thanks for your reply, but question: have you actually tried it or are you surmising it would work? And if so, how much of a hassle is it to get a midi and get it hooked up to do this? and cost of a decent but inexpensive midi for these purposes? I have no midi experience, but if I could rig two 45000’s together so that I can record four instruments in sync on loops and then smash the 8 tracks together in an editor on my computer that would be ridiculously cool!

    Thanks folks,


    @contempl8 Did you end up figuring out how to daisy chain 2 4500’s?

    This has been on my brain as well and I’m thinking of buying a second.

    Possibly TMI but my rationale is to be able to run 4 separate out puts through pedals and into a mixer (L1, R1, L2, R2)

    Anyways, would LOVE to learn if you were able to make it work. My goal would be the second 45k is essentially a mirror… same tempo and even same loop legnth is fine, though different loop length would make things even more trippy.

    Thanks all!


    PS this video from Jacques got me thinking… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BxRatgedYE
    He’s rocking 3…

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by youngtrucker.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by youngtrucker.

    Guys you can always write the techs at info@ehx.com
    they answer every email. If you do not hear back please check your spam folder or write back here


    thx writing them now 🙂


    gang i already got a response, just FYI in case another person finds this thread and wants to daisy chain to 45000s.
    hyped to get loooooping!

    Yes, you can sync two 45000s together to achieve double the number of tracks:

    You would pick one 45000 to be the MIDI clock source and the other would follow MIDI clock.
    Connect MIDI OUT from the MIDI Clock source to MIDI IN on the second unit
    Enable EXT.CLOCK on the second unit
    Make sure EXT.CLOCK is disabled on the first unit
    Check pages 17-18 in the manual for information and tips on using MIDI Clock sync
    The 45000s will be synchronized for tempo, and will start and stop together
    You will still need to provide audio I/O to both units

    Hope this helps.

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